Flight Replicas Me 262


Charter Member 2011
I missed this one when first released, and so thought I'd rectify that.
I have the BF 109G also, and both strike me as "honest" models, if you follow my drift.
But the 262's VC seems not to have any working gauges or clickables!
The manual seems to indicate there should be...could this be a dreaded "installer problem"?
I noted it wanted to load stuff into the root folder of FS9...

Lovely model though.
Hey Charl,

It certainly sounds that way. I have that baby and it has tons of superb details on the panel.

Try running the installer into a Temp folder and do a folder to folder transfer of all the parts into FS to make sure you have everything.

Are you by chance using Win7 or even vista 64? I have heard of odd installer issues with the new OS's that are out.

I'm running WIN XP SP2, only recent change was to Google Chrome as default browser.
I can only think some gauges might have been left out of the package, there seem to be none in the extracted files (see below).
I dropped these folders as is, into the aircraft folder.
Mikes VC's are 95% actual 3D elements, so you might have a texture issue going, like textures that didnt make it to the folders, or a memory issue. He uses alot of high resolution work (if I remember correctly), so low memory 'might' do this also, (I doubt it though with FS2004).

You might try;
* Redownloading
* Reinstalling
* Doing a reboot before checking out the plane in FS

Hi Charl,

As the panel is VC only (no 2D panel) there aren't any GAU gauges as such. I suggest that you try a full reinstall from the downloaded Wrapper (assuming that you have the Wrappered version) making sure all anti-virus software is completely off.

Hope it works,

looking at your screenshot, the VC/panel is actually there, but the 3D needles are not showing up (meaning your texture folder is correct).

Check the panel folder. You should have the following:

and a folder called 262

inside the 262 are about 70 files...with many BMPs. Most of these BMPs are needles and panel backgrounds.

if you are missing these, then try a reinstall

there are no 2D panels in this plane

Thanks for the insights, guys.
Feng I see I don't have the "262" folder inside the panel folder, so guess that's where the problem lies.
I've downloaded the zip again, and re-installed.
Same story, so I reckon there is an installer error.

Time to pick it up with the author, then.
I just checked my load, the 262 folder is installed to the gauges folder. Check and see if it's there. Since all the panel.cfgs reference it, it needs to be in the gauges main foldr, as a complete folder, do not empty the folder into the gauges folder. If you want to try it in the individual models panel folder, you will have to copy it in it's entirety into each aircraft's panel folder.
Hi Charl,

Received your email. From the screenshot, you are missing the 2D gauges.

I just ran the installer, to see if the Gauge folder is there, and there seems to be something effecting that folder. I've sending you the needed '262' folder via YouSendit (check your email inbox), which you should place in your C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator 9\Gauges, and will replace the installer on the server with a new one.

Sorry for the inconvenience!

"I noted it wanted to load stuff into the root folder of FS9..." That is the correct install path - aircraft will thus go into the 'Flight Simulator 9\Aircraft' folder, and gauges into the 'Flight Simulator 9\Gauges' folder.


Edit: The installer has now been replaced on the server, as well.
All good! :ernae:
The errant "262" makes all the difference.
Thanks for your quick response Mike, and thanks to all for helping in the diagnosis.

Don't know if you've changed the installer, Mike, but if you look at the folder screen in post #3 above, I pointed it to a dummy "FS9" and it went straight in there, without creating an aircraft folder.
Worse, when I ran the uninstaller, it removed the entire "FS9" folder too!!
If that had been the real FS9 folder, it would all be gone...:toilet:
All good! :ernae:
The errant "262" makes all the difference.
Thanks for your quick response Mike, and thanks to all for helping in the diagnosis.

Don't know if you've changed the installer, Mike, but if you look at the folder screen in post #3 above, I pointed it to a dummy "FS9" and it went straight in there, without creating an aircraft folder.
Worse, when I ran the uninstaller, it removed the entire "FS9" folder too!!
If that had been the real FS9 folder, it would all be gone...:toilet:

No longer a problem, Charl, noticed that this morning and it was changed with the new installer. I think a different installer went to my site than went to the other distributors - it's been a few years since they were put together, and I may have accidentally picked the wrong one from the files. Thanks for noticing, though!

All good! :ernae:
The errant "262" makes all the difference.
Thanks for your quick response Mike, and thanks to all for helping in the diagnosis.

Don't know if you've changed the installer, Mike, but if you look at the folder screen in post #3 above, I pointed it to a dummy "FS9" and it went straight in there, without creating an aircraft folder.
Worse, when I ran the uninstaller, it removed the entire "FS9" folder too!!
If that had been the real FS9 folder, it would all be gone...:toilet:
The reason the uninstaller deleted the folder is only because there was nothing left in it. I've done this quite a few times. If there's anything else left in the folder, it won't be deleted.

I usually run installers to my standard temp location, then zip all the output files. Then I uninstall from the Add/Remove Programs function. Once that's done, I unzip the files and install them where they need to be.
Whew! well that's a relief.
Although Tom, reading what you say, this does bring me back to my previous bleats about the need for an installer at all, despite what the vendors say.
A rogue installer will annoy all the experienced users, and utterly bewilder a novice...ie everybody.
A zipfile will maybe confuse a rookie, the first time.

Let me hasten to add that the rest of my experience with the purchase of this plane was a pleasure, just the way it ought be.
And I'm totally enjoying it.
There are some very nice repaints for this model here in the SOH library and at Flightsim.com by Biggles, Tony Greenheld, by Jens-Ole Kjølberg , and of course Michael Flahault.
I think that you will have a lot of fun in the 262.
I certainly do.