Flight Replicas Nav1


I just love flying the FS9 Messerschmitts from Flight Replicas. :mixedsmi: I also enjoy flying distances with minimal nav aids (no a/p or GPS), so here comes my question.

The only nav aid with the Flight Replicas aircraft is the compass directional which is slaved to the Nav1 frequency. Aside of the issue with the inverted arrow with a couple of the a/c (which I fixed), there are not that many airfields with an ILS approach.:kilroy:

This morning, for example, I took a Bf-109K from Olympia, WA to Tillamook. After flying an approximate heading of 182 degrees, I could only set the Nav1 to Astoria, OR. After finding the Astoria airport, it was VFR the rest of the way to find Tillamook. Typically, I could use the NDB in Tillamook, but not with the Flight Replicas Messerschmitt.

So .... this has got me thinking .... How does the original WWII German directional compass function, and is it similar to the way the Flight Replicas compass functions? Why not modifiy the underlying xml gauge and radio subpanel to use an ADF frequency for navigation, and has anyone tried this? :sleep:

Just curious as to what others may think or know, and see if maybe I'm overlooking something on how to improve my navigation abilities with these fine a/c.

Thanks in advance
For me, having purchased FSPanel Studio years ago, I simply add whatever Navaids I want if they aren't supplied. Rather than modifying xml code, just add a "pop-up" with an ADF and go flying.:salute:
For me, having purchased FSPanel Studio years ago, I simply add whatever Navaids I want if they aren't supplied. Rather than modifying xml code, just add a "pop-up" with an ADF and go flying.:salute:

+1 I've added GPS, Radio CD player and a primitive auto pilot to the Flight Replica's Me 262 using FS Panel Studio.
Thanks for the responses. I have FS Panel Studio also, and will likely add some nav aids when I get motivated.

The actual instrument is called a "Luftwaffe Fuhrertochterkompass Repeater Compass" according to what I've researched on the web. The directional indicator appears to always point in the direction of the flight path. So I'm still curious as to why FR would slave the directional indicator in the center of the compass to Nav1.

Oh, well. No big deal. One of those questions that will remain unanswered.

Thanks again.
My understanding is that the center aircraftpicture can be rotated but that it acts as a headingreference rather than as a course- or bearingpointer.
My understanding is that the center aircraftpicture can be rotated but that it acts as a headingreference rather than as a course- or bearingpointer.
Thanks for the response. This is what I'm trying to verify or confirm.

Each developer seem to have this gauge modeled differently. I believe that the AlphaSim comes closest in that they use it for a heading direction for the A/P on the Heinkel and Dornier.
