Flight Sim apps


Charter Member 2014
I just got my first smartphone and would like some guidance on the availability and quality of FS apps for android phones. In actuality, I'm lucky that I can even figure out how to make a phone call with the damned thing. I'm just starting to learn about such things as apps, but what better app could there be on my new phone than a flight simulator, right? Thanks, in advance, for helping me slowly progress in to the modern world of smartphones. Any other advice for using my new toy will be greatly appreciated, too!

PC is still the best FS platform...
I have a dinky little app that allows you to monitor and control a longhaul FS flight, via Wifi from the smartphone!
It's called Remote Flight, don't know if it would be of interest.
Search for 'Winds of Steel'. You can dogfight other planes. In the demo you have one level.

I dont know what kind of phone you have but I have the Iphone and some of the best app's I have found for passing the time are Rise of Glory which is a WW1 dogfight game with all the fighters you would expect and the Breitling Reno air race app it has most of the classes at Reno like T-6,Unlimited,Jet,Biplane. Both of those app's can be played online against people, but also X-plane makes some good flight sim app's too so check them out.
I dont know what kind of phone you have but I have the Iphone and some of the best app's I have found for passing the time are Rise of Glory which is a WW1 dogfight game with all the fighters you would expect and the Breitling Reno air race app it has most of the classes at Reno like T-6,Unlimited,Jet,Biplane. Both of those app's can be played online against people, but also X-plane makes some good flight sim app's too so check them out.
|He mentioned an android phone. That's not an I-phone.....
