Flight Sim Files


I always have deleted the Flight Sim Files folder that is created in my documents, every time I fly FS9. I always thought it just took up HD space, and it always creats a new one every time FS9 is opened. I now am wondering if this isn't a good thing to do. What got me thinking this was the advice on backing up FS9 to another HD. It was recommened that you copy this also as it will cause FS9 to ctd if you don't.
As usual I'am confused. Thanks
If you ever want to save a flight or a flightplan, that's where it's stored. Most of the files are pretty small. I just cleaned mine out - there was stuff in there I hadn't accessed in years - literally. Now after starting a flight and exiting FS, there's a whopping six files:

Previous flight.FLT
Previous flight.WX
UI generated flight.FLT
UI generated flight.WX

The first two are my new default startup, and the others are put there and modified by FS each time you start (UI generated flight) and exit (Previous flight) the Sim.

On a side note, you can have your Sim start where you left off every time by editing this line in your fs9.cfg:
SITUATION=C:\Documents and Settings\(username)\My Documents\Flight Simulator Files\Previous flight

That way, you'll start up wherever you left off, provided that you exit the Sim gently and don't use the Ctrl+Pause exit method.
I created a desktop shortcut to "Previous flight.FLT"
When you're doing stuff to the sim it's a quick way to get back where you were.
It seems to work even if you bomb out of the previous session, which is what I tend to do.
It gets dangerous if you delete the aircraft you were previously using however...
I use the UI generated flight for the same basic function. I use it when I'm tweaking an aircraft and need to exit the Sim for a while to do more editing. I only have to set up the flight/fuel/weather once, then I can use the icon to get there quickly the next time.
Thanks Tom

Thanks Tom for your reply,but if this is where your flights are saved then when I delete them why are the flights within the sim under "select a flight" not deleted? Also is this why ,when I saved a flight with my favorite GA plane ,the Piper Tripacer, at the parking ramp of my local airport the flight disappeared?
Also ,A question about copying FS9 files to another HD.Do you put all those files back where they were found originally?And what if your going from XP to Windows 7?
I know these are a lot of questions ,but since my computer is 8 years old and I have put in years of work on all my sims,I just wondered whats the best way to backup when my puter finally goes bellyup.
I have everything backed up to disk,but thats years of work.
Really sounds like I might be better off just starting over.Thanks and you really don't have to reply to all this,you answered my oridginal question.
It gets dangerous if you delete the aircraft you were previously using however...

Not necessarily "dangerous" but FS will have a major bird when it tries to load the .FLT file and can't find the aircraft you were using. The previous aircraft is included in the .FLT file, I believe also the previous flight plan -- so if you've cleaned up or moved your aircraft of flight plans you'll see FS at one of its more unhappy moments.

If I recall correctly Flight Simulator will either load or exit to the desktop, and then you can go ahead and set up a new flight.

I have a pretty good stack of flight plans in my "Flight Simulator Files" folder, and I also have a few saved flights -- mostly instrument approaches that I've set up. The flight plans are for routes I find I like to fly over again -- Grand Junction (KGJT) to Grand Canyon (KGCN) or to Yellowstone Park (KWYS). I also have a some sub folders that I move plans (and saved flights) into an out of depending on the kind of aviating I'm doing -- mil jets, propliners, the Howard 500 and Beech 18, and GA.

once again thanks

Thanks to everyone who took the time to answer my questions that I'am sure everyone else already knows. Now that I'am retired and have time to get back into flightsimming again I'am hopeing it will help with my ongoing battle with depression.
But about now is when my puter will decide to pack it up,and I'll have to start over.Oh well what else am I gonna do?
...why are the flights within the sim under "select a flight" not deleted? Also is this why ,when I saved a flight with my favorite GA plane ,the Piper Tripacer, at the parking ramp of my local airport the flight disappeared?

Hey H3 :)

The answer to your second question is yes. The "Flight Simulator Files" folder under your "My Documents" is where your own saved flights get saved.

The flights that show up under "select a flight" include the "built-in" flights that come with Flight Simulator. They are kept in the Flight Simulator program folder under "program files". The Wright Bros 1903 flight at Kitty Hawk is an example.

Flights you save yourself would also show under "select a flight" -- I believe there's a heading called "My Saved Flights". So Flight Simulator is actually reading saved flights from both the program folder and also your My Documents under "Flight Simulator Files."

An external USB hard drive is a good and inexpensive way to get a little piece of mind about all your sim files and add ons. Western Digital makes some nice ones and you ought to be able to find them at Best Buy or even Wal Mart. They're available online at Newegg.com also. I have several. Of course at that point the problem becomes "where did I put stuff..."

If/when you use the default flight planner, the pln files are saved there too. Most everything you save in that folder will be small. The only thing that ever gets any size to it is the flv "Video" files. Unless your HD is 95% full, you don't need to worry about the FS Files folder. Of course, if your HD is 95% full, you've got bigger problems...
stil got room

I have two drives,the c and e drive ,most of my microsoft flight sims except for CFS1 is on the c drive and even though I have hundreds of planes and scenery,( most freeware) I still have 71% space left on my c drive,I think about 93% left on the e drive,this is space left not used,so I've got lots of room.