flight time


Charter Member
thanks again P3...........outrageous goodies....also, thanks for designing credit for all flight time, even warped, per flight. Relatively easy to poodle along to the point of conflict....maybe have to nurse a ship home...but what really matters is what you do on location, surviving creditably...and beating feet for base. GREAT STUFF.........happy flapper! GAW
So are you telling me that if you had a flight time of 30 mins to a way point in real time, but chose to warp it in about 30 seconds instead you would still be credited with the 30 minutes worth of flight?

As I said in another post, this is great for the warpers among us. Maybe it is not fair to the non-warpers but time is at a premium these days and the pilot's log wold look strange with 20 flights and a total of 20minutes.
Thats great, thanks for the heads up on that one, i must have missed it before.

Also, if you use the time accel keys (and no enemy is present), you can zip through assigned linger time quickly. Use the Z key to show the timer and go by that..
YES!!!:rapture:As I said in another post, this is great forthe warpers among us. Maybe it is not fair to the non-warpers but time is at a premium these days and the pilot's log wold look strange with 20 flights and a total of 20minutes.

Free Lunch. . . has returned in BHAH

Fitting. . . . . . afterall this is SOH :kilroy: