Float/Sea Plane bases


Retired SOH Admin
Are there any float/sea plane bases included in the stock FS2004 list? I have installed Lionheart's beautiful Fairchild 24W Bubble Cowl float plane and need some water to start it off from.

Holger Sandman made a huge scenery in alaska called glacier Park. current version is2 and its at avsim and flightsim.com. lots of all kinds of landings.:applause::applause::applause:
Thanks for the info guys. Twill make enjoying my float/sea planes that much better. I have been fascinated by float/sea planes since I was a wee lad.

Thanks for the info guys. Twill make enjoying my float/sea planes that much better. I have been fascinated by float/sea planes since I was a wee lad.


just don't look for much in the way of scenery in the default seaplane bases... there is some nice addons though
Gem of info there P. Thank you, now to rework those WI Seaplane bases and add in missing 12 i know of.
To the list Panther linked in the Old Hanger, you can add Lockerman at Smith Mountain Lake in VA, look for Lockerman or under the city Gretna, VA.

Here's a couple others that I'm prejudiced in favor of because I worked on them:

Quabbin Seadrome puts an imaginary seaplane base on Quabbin Reservoir in west-central Massachusetts.

CGAS Salem reactivates the old Coast Guard Air Station on Winter Island in Salem, Mass. There are two versions, one that depicts the base around 1939 or 1940 for Golden Wings, and one that depicts it around the early-mid 1950s for "FS1954 - A Half Century of Flight." CGAS Salem was strictly a seaplane base and had no land runways, but it had a parking apron for amphibians and helicopters.

I think the latest versions of Quabbin and Salem are available here at SOH. If you can't find them here, check FlightSim.com
By the way, you can make a seaplane base on any body of water, like your favorite local lake, reservoir or swimming hole.

Download and read up on AFCAD, then make AFCAD files to place start points wherever you want them. If all you want is a place you can select from the Go To Airport menu, all you need is a start point and a name with a made-up ICAO indentifier.

It only gets more complex if you want to populate your seaplane base (aka "seadrome") with AI traffic. For that you'll also want to download and learn about Traffic Tools.