Charter Member
Ok guys....I seem to have an issue here; Hopefully someone has a solution...
Recently I decided to get into Alaskan bush and floatplane flying; I am a big GA fan, and I normally fly a lot of corporate stuff, so I decided to 'slow it down' a bit...
....So i purchased Misty Fjords, Tongass Fjords, installed the freeware Glacier bay V2, and while i was on a roll i dug out some payware planes I hadnt flown for some time..the Aerosoft Beaver and Supercub, both of which have floats. Then I looked through my hangar and sure enough..there was my Realair Scout amphib, Quest Kodiak floatplane, and FSD Pilatus Porter. I was a happy camper! Until.....I ran into an interesting occurance...
I started a flight from the Sitka floatplane base a29 in Tongass...in the realair scout amphib...and everything went smooth! It was sooo much fun!! took off, flew a pattern...did a full stop at Sitka (PASI)...departed then landed again in the water!!! Cool. Next up...the Beaver.
Started the flight under the same circumstances as the scout....but as soon as the loading screen was done the beaver was at like 300 feet agl and dropping out of the sky with the stall horn blaring...until it impacted the water and did it again...and again...so i thought maybe it was that plan...changed to the FSD porter and it too behaved the same; Lionhearts kodiak didnt have any problems at the start of the flight, but a water landing away from the field produced the same results as the beaver...like it is 'craching' or something...and despite a complete reinstall of my FSD porter, that one wont work at all!!!! Anyone that can shed some light on this I would really appreciate it. Even if I am just being a moron and overlooking something really simple, please let me know. This scenery coupled with these aircraft is very addictive!!!!! Thanks in advance!
Recently I decided to get into Alaskan bush and floatplane flying; I am a big GA fan, and I normally fly a lot of corporate stuff, so I decided to 'slow it down' a bit...
....So i purchased Misty Fjords, Tongass Fjords, installed the freeware Glacier bay V2, and while i was on a roll i dug out some payware planes I hadnt flown for some time..the Aerosoft Beaver and Supercub, both of which have floats. Then I looked through my hangar and sure enough..there was my Realair Scout amphib, Quest Kodiak floatplane, and FSD Pilatus Porter. I was a happy camper! Until.....I ran into an interesting occurance...
I started a flight from the Sitka floatplane base a29 in Tongass...in the realair scout amphib...and everything went smooth! It was sooo much fun!! took off, flew a pattern...did a full stop at Sitka (PASI)...departed then landed again in the water!!! Cool. Next up...the Beaver.