Florida Scenery List


Just finished a complete reinstall of MSFS. During the process I did away with some non-aircraft files I've collected and a couple of MSFS programs I didn't want to use anymore. This was actually a very refreshing experience. :)

I keep a spreadsheet of all my scenery add-ons which helps me when I'm planning out flights. Over the years I think I've noticed that there are several of us Florida based flyers out there, so I thought I would share the list of stuff I've collected for Florida. There are actually a few more Fla files I've tried from FlightsimTO, but aren't on this list. At first, I grabbed everything over there I could find and then started testing them. There are some beautifully done small sceneries that were for the Orlando area, but with some sort of water masking issues that looked odd while flying over the area. There were also some duplicate sceneries for a few things, and I just picked the one I liked best.

I'm surprised to see anyone buying from MSFSSeneryBuilders. Their KGSO looks absolutely horrible from the screenshots. Everything you see in purple in screenshots of the main terminal are actually clear skylights.

Thanks for that heads-up. That will make me take closer inspection of their airports that I have.


Okay, you made me go looking. :)
I just fired up each of those airports and took a good look around. No graphics issues that I could find. All are really nice little sceneries and definitely improvements over the defaults for those airports, which is what I was looking for when I picked them up.
The MSFSSceneryBuilders/FSXSceneryBuilders airports are about FSX quality -- not great -- but they're still way better than the default auto-generated airports for these cities. I have KGSO, KSAV, and KBTV and they're at least marked improvements over the defaults.

I also wrote to the developer about some KBTV issues, and he's down with the flu right now, but he was friendly and said he'd take a look.

FAC257, I had a sheet almost exactly like that with my airports for a while! But eventually it got so crowded, I realized I could just use the "custom airport" icon you see on the map to find add-ons to fly to/from.
Good job !
Just finished a complete reinstall of MSFS. During the process I did away with some non-aircraft files I've collected and a couple of MSFS programs I didn't want to use anymore. This was actually a very refreshing experience. :)

I keep a spreadsheet of all my scenery add-ons which helps me when I'm planning out flights. Over the years I think I've noticed that there are several of us Florida based flyers out there, so I thought I would share the list of stuff I've collected for Florida. There are actually a few more Fla files I've tried from FlightsimTO, but aren't on this list. At first, I grabbed everything over there I could find and then started testing them. There are some beautifully done small sceneries that were for the Orlando area, but with some sort of water masking issues that looked odd while flying over the area. There were also some duplicate sceneries for a few things, and I just picked the one I liked best.

Good job!
Surprised North Perry (HWO) hasn't been remade yet. One of the busiest training fields around. It needs it BADLY!

Don BP;)
FAC257, I had a sheet almost exactly like that with my airports for a while! But eventually it got so crowded, I realized I could just use the "custom airport" icon you see on the map to find add-ons to fly to/from.

I do that also, but my airport spreadsheet serves a second function by keeping track of where everything I need is, if I decide to do a complete MSFS re-install, like I just did. In previous version of flightsims like P3D & FSX, I would keep everything needed in organized folders on HDs, so re-installs were all one stop "shopping". With MSFS, some of the stuff is in the Market Place, some are still DL'd files on the HDs, and then now we have things like the Simmarket app with some of its stuff installed remotely and some actual DL's.

I also use the list to make notes on whether stuff is a keeper or something I wouldn't install again. Quite a few add-ons I had original pack-ratted and realized I didn't want or need, bit the dust on this current re-install.

I have KGSO...
Tell me this... When you get instructed to taxi from GA parking to 5R/23L, does ATC tell you to use Alpha or Kilo? If the main taxiway between that runway and the main terminal is listed as Alpha, then the author(s) didn't even bother to correct the mish-mash of taxiway designators assigned by Asobo.
I see that KNPA NAS Pensacola isn't on your list. It was done almost a year ago, but I think it really needs improvement. Maybe someday. NC

Thanks for the heads-up on KNPA. I missed that one, unless it wasn't under one of the search terms, I put in over at FlightsimTO.

Tell me this... When you get instructed to taxi from GA parking to 5R/23L, does ATC tell you to use Alpha or Kilo? If the main taxiway between that runway and the main terminal is listed as Alpha, then the author(s) didn't even bother to correct the mish-mash of taxiway designators assigned by Asobo.

It just tells you "via Taxiway," doesn't specify. So might not be what you're looking for.

I was just happy to have something that looked 10x better than the default.

Thanks for the heads-up on KNPA. I missed that one, unless it wasn't under one of the search terms, I put in over at FlightsimTO.


One of the big problems with the current KNPA are the hangars and other buildings. They need to be detailed. NC
Just finished checking some of the newer Florida stuff available since last time. Like I mentioned in the OP, there are a few not listed over on FlightsimTO that have water masking issues that bothered me enough to not use them. Everything else on the list is good to go. I did switch KTLH out for the Stealthy Duck version. Just thought it looked a bit better.

Navy Chief, KNPA still needs a lot of work to bring up to KNQX quality.
