Flying BSK CFS2 Mossie in FS9

ian elliot

Im enjoying this classic at the moment but just noticed there's a dedicated FS9 version, or should i say there was, in the Library, unfortunatly its a "file not found" now. I was just wondering what the differance's where and weather im missing anything, She flys fine as she is and if its a case of adjusting the cfg entries, i can manage that myself.
I do have the AH payware version as well but i think i prefer the BSK model esp with lots of great repaints by RobH, which thankfully are still in the library.
cheers ian
You can still find the dedicated FS9 version over at Flightsim, direct link here. Totally agree, Bruno's model is still pretty darned good & Rob's repaints are the cherry on the top!


I'm all for making your lives easier. If someone wants to upload this FS9 version to SOH, I will put it under the name of Brunosk and make it available in the library.

So that you are aware, you can do that for any model, skin or other file that is no longer at SOH, so long as the original readme files are included so I have the ability to give proper credit and put it in the library by its original upload date.

I know that right now, in terms of the files available, the library still has more holes than a Swiss Cheese factory.
Anyone know if there was ever a USAF PR Repaint done for this bird? Thanks to Ian and AndyG's mention of the CFS2 repaints, I found a RCAF repaint of pilot Russ Bannock's Mossie, which is SO cool!

FYI... Russ Bannock eventually became a Test Pilot for deHavilland Canada after the War, and took the first flight in DHC's prototype for a new bush plane, only the second new design from DHC. That airplane was the venerable DHC-2 Beaver.

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I keep getting CTD's with the FS9 version so ive gone back to the CFS2 original, its identical anyway so i hav'nt lost anything.
cheers ian
Thanks for the link JD, didnt realise Rob was so prolific, 24 page's, phew. im going to look through those and see what other goodies are there.
cheers ian
FS2004 Mosquito Brunosk is there:

FS2004 (ACOF) - FS2004 Warbirds FS2004 De Havilland DH98 Mosquito NFII
[SIZE=-1] [ Download | View ] [/SIZE]
Size: 5,776,642 Date: 07-31-2008 Downloads: 9,693


FS2004 De Havilland DH98 Mosquito NFII. This model represents a Mosquito NFII (Intruder). These were standard NFII's, stripped of their radar and used for intruding missions over occupied Europe. At that time, airborne radar was still considered as highly sensitive equipments, and the RAF did not want to risk them over enemy territory. More specifically, a batch of such modified NFII's was delivered to Squadron 23 at the end of 1942 before its deployment in Malta. APart from the removal of radar equipment, the Squadron had choosen to have an extra 120 Imperial gallons fuel tank installed in the bomb bay, rather than the ability to carry bombs. Textures represent DZ230 - YP-A flown by Wing Commander G. Wykeham-Barnes, as shown on some pictures over Valetta harbour taken shortly after the squadron's arrival. CFS2 model by Bruno Escaravage, FS2004 conversion by Sim-Outhouse.
I have a re-vamped air file for the BSK Mossie, (FS9 version only). The air file is for a dH Mosquito NF30, I can't remember who did it. But it does make Bruno's Mosquito boogie along, like in some of the videos of the real deal that I've seen. Also, it flies very realistically on one engine, like the real plane could. I'll see if I can't dig it up.

If you find that .air file I'd love to have a copy, BB686!

One thing to bear in mind is that for some reason, all of the Gauges (save one) are missing from the FS 9 Download! You'll have to find the CFS2 version to get the remainder of the Gauges.

I was going to tweak the Mossie Panel with FS Panel Studio, and when I brought it up, here come the Warnings about 'Gauges not found'!

If there's a need to have the entire FS 9 package here at SOH I can make the Package complete, but I've never Uploaded a File before!

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Check your e-mail, mate. Should have that NFXXX package now.... Also.. uploading here is a walk in the park. Any one of the admins would be more than willing to help you get started.

No worries!

Honestly, I have to thank you guys; for producing the fine add ons posted here, and for the very comfortable atmosphere here at SOH. We can have a spirited discussion here with opposing viewpoints, and it feels like we're sitting around the table at our favorite watering hole, chewing the fat. It's not the same as at other FS sites, where it seems that everyone's looking for an argument.

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