Flying Irons Spitfire IX - Overnight Update


Interested to get some feedback on this. On my system it seems to have messed up the prop/cowling animation and also the prop blur?
And another shot:


Honestly, it never looked so good! I also used only included paintschemes of the model. Maybe repaints will need to be updated? Just guessing!

Have re-downloaded and that seems to have cured most of the the animations issues although at low revs I think the prop animation is looking a bit like "the old" Miss Virginia"!

Anyway more seriously my flying skills have degraded so badly that I can't seem to keep the Spit straight on T/O any longer. I need to get back to those UTube videos and re-learn this one. I don't remember it swinging so wildly to the left at the start of the take off run.
Flying Iron just keep getting better & better... This is now really fun to taxi pretty much how I think the real plane would be, I also ground looped it on the landing run out, just didn't quite catch it in time in a slight cross wind just as a real tail dragger would go. It was scary real how it went on me! This is by far the best warbird in MSFS!
Remains surely the best Warbird available - reading the changelog boggles the mind.

I tend to agree, could I ask which those are?
That would be these I think:


They're in the \flyingiron-spitfire\SimObjects\Airplanes\flyingiron_spitfire\texture\ folder
