Flying Pacman !


Mad Dog

Could some one please remind me of what I need to do about this condition? I am getting Pacman :mixedsmi: in the game and I know it has been in the threads before but the links don’t work to research it. I think it means I have two of something but what do I do? Sorry folks, please advise. :isadizzy:
IIRC pacman stands for missing M3D model file. Check the XDP and find the model name, then check this model name in the aircraft/model folder (or aircraft folder). This may ba a wrong letter in the name for instance.
Hope it helps.
Just as a heads up. I have down loaded replacement ac for the planes that were giving me the problem and I no longer am experiencing the problem. This is a convenient fix for me. I guess I lucked out. Never the less this situation has occurred before with other people, and it most always is caused by the same thing.

CFS-3 has always been a quirky thing for me and I would appreciate a common thread out lining the fixes for common problems such as these. Especially since SOH has lost links to threads. Just as a thaught.

Thanks for all the help guys. :icon29:
The "smiley" appears when your aircraft.cfg references an M3D file that doesn't exist. You need to carefully check the "model name" for errors. Note that in order to properly compile, the XDP name and the root M3D name need to be matched up.