Flying Stations EE Canberra Master of Tasks pack


Charter Member


No seat!
Looks outside, not inside!

Unfortunately I have no explanation!

Any idea?
You will have had the same problem - somehow or another it got through beta like that and went out in the release. I fixed it last night and did a general re-issue to all customers who bought from our web site. Thanks Zsolts for bringing this to my attention.
Excellent gents, now you fold the rumble back up and strap into the bang seat! I am amazed that no one caught this now when Zsolts was finding it a bit bumpy ;)
Steve, and Zsolt too - If you know about this already, I apologize for providing old news, but if you don't know about it I think it may be worth a look on your part(s). YouTube has an entry called "Great Planes Martin B57 Canberra". If you go to this YT entry and play it I think you may be able to find some ideas for textures. Both round British and U.S. canopies, and tandem U.S. canopy variants are shown, in detail. Interesting close-ups of the U.S. B-57B target tug variant with two sleeve tubes beneath the rear fuselage. If either of you eventually get to the tandem-seat models this would be a rather spectacular aircraft to model, having the two banners coming out from the sleeves to be trailed behind the aircraft on long cables. Don't know how you'd get the banners to flutter in the slipstream, though!

BTW the scene I mentioned in another post about the B-57 crash is at exactly 27:00 into the film. It's an all-black B-57B.:blind:
Banners fluttering in the slipstream...I did indeed spend many a head scratching night trying to figure out both this dilemma, and more importantly, how to unfurl a banner when I was contemplating doing this on a B.2 model. In the end I learned that you cannot scale anims in the FS9, only FSX. This was a major hassle when I did the TT.18 with its Rushton pods - I wanted to have tons and tons of cable length pay out from the winches and was going to use scale for this, alas it was not to be, but thanks to Dave Garwood over at CBFSIM for the idea of 'telescoping' the cable out instead. Not miles and miles mind you, as it was hassle enough to pay out even 100 odd ft of it!

Back to the fluttering though - someone apparently has done it on a Spirit of St. Louis model, I never did check it out though. If it can be done, rest assured there will be target tug models for both British and US B-57s made in future.