Flying stations Sea Hawk dowloads


Charter Member
HI,I just tried to download the Flying stations 2004 Sea Hawk,but the link is dead,does anybody know another place to download it at?,or how I can get in touch with the maker?Thanks
Steve from Flying Stations is a member here... look for "Nazca_Steve" (I'm pretty sure that's it), in the members list and you can send him a PM.

I've left a note over at Flying Stations. Hopefully.. they'll get it sorted asap;)
Thanks all for the help,I have contacted Nazca_Steve,and let him know what's up,But I haven't heard back from him yet.
There are FSX port-over versions over at Simvation, maybe you could reverse fit them to FS9, i dought if they are alter'd that much, maybe a tweak or two to the cfg. If i remember right, the Seahawk used the gauges from Dave Garwoods Hunters, so as long as you have them installed (and lets face it, who has'nt :jump:) it should work out of the box.

cheers ian
Thanks Ian for pointing this out,I am way from my computer for a couple of days,so as soon as I get home,I will try them out,could you please put a link to them on simvation.Thanks
I've emailed Steve, partly just to make sure he is ok, but also to find out what the sitrep is with Nazca Studios. Will update if I get any news.
Here's a link-----

or look for Erick Hertzberger.

Its a shame this model has all but vanish'd from the FS9 world, its still one of my favorites of all time for that sim.
I belive Steve was never very happy with his own model and had it pulled from his site, there is talk over at Flying Stations of a new-biuld for FSX but its quite far down a fairly long list of projects.

cheers ian

I've emailed Steve, partly just to make sure he is ok, but also to find out what the sitrep is with Nazca Studios. Will update if I get any news.][/QUOTE]

I remember he did shed-loads of repaints for Bill Holkers Canberras, which were also hosted at the same site.

Stop crying for the Sea Hawk .. lol
You can have at least the clean model (first download) at this link:




I also guess that many here must have already (like me) all the other models (no more availables from link above)
So it must be just to exchange some PM and problem solved !
Stop crying for the Sea Hawk .. lol
You can have at least the clean model (first download) at this link:




I also guess that many here must have already (like me) all the other models (no more availables from link above)
So it must be just to exchange some PM and problem solved !

I was able to download all the files listed on that page. I look forward to flying it and comparing it to the Sea Vixen I got a while gack.

I was able to download all the files listed on that page
Thank's for advice
Yes .. all links seems to work .. but it's a waiting time to respect between downloads from a same IP
If you have a dynamic IP it's more simple ..... :adoration: