FlyingIron Spitfire - Repaints by Shoushki


Charter Member

A user called "Shoushki" used to upload a variety of liveries on but then disappeared. I'm wondering if anyone has any of his FlyingIron Spitfire repaints that they can share. Believe he made at least three or four. Based on one Corsair repaint I have from the user, the file name may say "Shoushki" in it.
I won't link it here, but there is a site out there that basically just steals repaints and other addons from and reuploads it. If you google "Shoushki repaints" its the only other site that comes up besides I've used it before (for the same reason, to find deleted freeware) and it's safe, but know that most of the addons you will find there are posted without the original creators permission.
Just replying to say you're not alone in hunting down Shoushki's liveries. They were absolutely wonderful. If you have any luck finding the mythical Shoushki before I do, please tell them their liveries are greatly missed by probably many more people than they realize! Hopefully they're well and just pursuing other hobbies (I hear there are other hobbies, anyway?)
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