Flysimware C14A vs Windows 10 Defender


Flysimware keep pumping out updates to their C414A.
The last 3 installed ok after an initial Windows Defender block/flag, but the latest has been flagged as carrying a Virus and won't let the install proceed.
Anyone else struck this & found a work around?
Seems to be a problem with their file. I get the same error. Will try a redownload tomorrow after they have had time to repair it.
Had the same problem. I couldn´t even exclude the exe file from Windows Defender!

Flysimware keep pumping out updates to their C414A.
The last 3 installed ok after an initial Windows Defender block/flag, but the latest has been flagged as carrying a Virus and won't let the install proceed.
Anyone else struck this & found a work around?
Had the same issue. Defender says there is a Trojan file in there.
Hope they can fix it as the C414AW has been improving with each update & its a GA twin I enjoy flying.
Anyone been able to contact HiFi Simulations re this issue?
I can't find a Discord for them & their Forums appear to be sparsely used.
I'm on their Discord channel. It has been reported. I also reported it and added that many of here have same problem.
Reading some of the reports in a different thread on the Discord site, it's a false positive, and even Microsoft says it's false. They kind of explained a workaround, but as usual, it takes an IT expert to do all the steps. Beyond my limited programming skills. It was hinted that Flysimware may be working on a different installer, but not confirmed, as they were not part of the conversation. I'll just keep the previous model until a working installer is released.
Reading some of the reports in a different thread on the Discord site, it's a false positive, and even Microsoft says it's false. They kind of explained a workaround, but as usual, it takes an IT expert to do all the steps. Beyond my limited programming skills. It was hinted that Flysimware may be working on a different installer, but not confirmed, as they were not part of the conversation. I'll just keep the previous model until a working installer is released.

I tried loading a previous model & Defender blocked that too.
I will try going back further.
I tried loading a previous model & Defender blocked that too.
I will try going back further.
i JUST LOADED V4.4.8 with no problem.

FWIW you can find the Discord invite on the Flysimware home page. It's also on the Email.

EDIT: Don't know what I did, other than shutting off my computer overnight, but my oriignal latest update download, v4.5.0, just installed fine. Defender would not even allow the extraction of the files from this same downloaded zip on the day I downloaded it.
i JUST LOADED V4.4.8 with no problem.

FWIW you can find the Discord invite on the Flysimware home page. It's also on the Email.

EDIT: Don't know what I did, other than shutting off my computer overnight, but my oriignal latest update download, v4.5.0, just installed fine. Defender would not even allow the extraction of the files from this same downloaded zip on the day I downloaded it.

I ran an Uninstaller pgm, then did a fresh D/L of v4.5.0 from Flysimware & that has just installed ok.
Each Livery has 3 GPS options & I tend to stick with just the 1 GPS - is there any way to remove the liveries for the GPS's I am not using??
I ran an Uninstaller pgm, then did a fresh D/L of v4.5.0 from Flysimware & that has just installed ok.
Each Livery has 3 GPS options & I tend to stick with just the 1 GPS - is there any way to remove the liveries for the GPS's I am not using??

Removing them in the aircraft.cfg. Make sure you keep numerical order, with the first being 0 (zero). Backup your original cfg first.