Charter Member
Please check-out my profile to get more info about me. Just cycled out of the USAF after 33 years, the last 20 in SpecOPs as a PJ (now what am I going to do:isadizzy
, a couple of my squadron mates in the "sand box" played around with CFS3 and some of your iterations of it...I only played around with FSX. My ? is, my new system has 3 1TB HD's; one has Win7-64 loaded, one has XP Pro (32 bit) and one is a dedicated back-up HD. Since I have the choice and plenty of HD space, does CFS3 run better on Win7 or XP. I had been told that some of CFS's video problems were due to the drivers and DirectX configuration of Win7. I admit, I do not know, so I thought I would throw this out here on the forum and see what kind of rodeo I could get started.
Thanks for the input...I am open to any and all ideas.
Thanks for the input...I am open to any and all ideas.