FNG...Checking in


Charter Member
Please check-out my profile to get more info about me. Just cycled out of the USAF after 33 years, the last 20 in SpecOPs as a PJ (now what am I going to do:isadizzy:), a couple of my squadron mates in the "sand box" played around with CFS3 and some of your iterations of it...I only played around with FSX. My ? is, my new system has 3 1TB HD's; one has Win7-64 loaded, one has XP Pro (32 bit) and one is a dedicated back-up HD. Since I have the choice and plenty of HD space, does CFS3 run better on Win7 or XP. I had been told that some of CFS's video problems were due to the drivers and DirectX configuration of Win7. I admit, I do not know, so I thought I would throw this out here on the forum and see what kind of rodeo I could get started.

Thanks for the input...I am open to any and all ideas.

Welcome!:salute: Personally I have no problem with Win 7 64 although I run the exe's in XP SP3 compatability mode. there are plaenty of posts on using CFS3 in Win 7 but XP was also fine for me. Might need a 2Tb drive for all the add ons and stand alone installs around!!
Please check-out my profile to get more info about me. Just cycled out of the USAF after 33 years, the last 20 in SpecOPs as a PJ (now what am I going to do:isadizzy:), a couple of my squadron mates in the "sand box" played around with CFS3 and some of your iterations of it...I only played around with FSX. My ? is, my new system has 3 1TB HD's; one has Win7-64 loaded, one has XP Pro (32 bit) and one is a dedicated back-up HD. Since I have the choice and plenty of HD space, does CFS3 run better on Win7 or XP. I had been told that some of CFS's video problems were due to the drivers and DirectX configuration of Win7. I admit, I do not know, so I thought I would throw this out here on the forum and see what kind of rodeo I could get started.

Thanks for the input...I am open to any and all ideas.


1PanzerLAH, trust me, Windows XP Pro (32 bit) is best. Windows XP Pro (64 bit is second best).

And there are PLENTY of iterations of CFS3 available.

CFS3 ETO Expansion, CFS3 PTO Rising Sun, and CFS3 PTO Rising Sun can be found here: http://aussiex.org

Oh, and be sure to download The Battle of Britain at Aussiex, too.

CFS3 DPC (Dogpatch Crew) Korean Skies is right here at SOH: http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/local_links.php?catid=166

There is also a set of links to MAW (Mediterranean Air War) here: http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/showthread.php?34077-Download-Locations

If you need any help, please let us know.

And welcome aboard.
Yes!! Welcome!
:salute: :salute: :salute:
As stated there is much to see and download..
The Expansions have brought new and wondeous things to the CFS3 sim.
And I am pleased to say there are some wonderful and kind souls too.
I hope you have a great of time as I do..
:wavey: AS Kasey said “1PanzerLAH, trust me, Windows XP Pro (32 bit) is best. Windows XP Pro (64 bit is second best).” :angryfir:It’s Unfortunate $MS has decided to dump XP next year and will longer support it. I guess my WIN7 32 bit will have to do.;) BTW I had no problems installing all my CFS3 programs in my WIN7.
welcome aboard 1PanzerLAH

CFS3 can be made to run just as well in 7 64 bit, and unless you have an nvidia graphics card it makes very little difference. If you do have an nvidia card then you will notice some grpahic improvements in xp.
Interesting: I've got just an ATI Graphics card in a laptop, and I thought you had to have XP and Nvidia (planning to), to do any good at all...
Your understanding is correct, you must have xp and nvidia to get correct specular effects (I am not counting the shaders.xml specular enable tweak as it adds way too much gloss) in any of the current installs. There is a work around to get them correctly working on any setup, but it is a lot of work. There is a tutorial about how to do it in the downloads section.
Gecko, thankyou very much. I'll stick with my original plan to build a dedicated XP m/c with proper Nvidia card (was thinking the EVGA shop-overlocked series); and try to 'Dual Boot' it as per previous posts if I can figure it. Save work of optimizing effects on Win8, etc.

[PS: hope you sort the modelling of the engine 'over limit' effects ok.]