fokker F27

Hi Daveroo

There is one by Mike Stone and one by Willem Bruijns. They are on Avsim, there are also repaints, panels and RR Dart sounds available.
CalClassic also has one - some of the repaints there are of Mike Stone's but also a Tom Gibson one.
I was going to say, I have seen 2 or 3 of them in the past several years..

There is a briliant Fokker F-100 out there too, freeware. First rate work.

any F27's made for FS9?..i cant find i missing it?

if you're a member there,hop over to cbfsim and get
the latest version from there with Fraser Mackays panel etc,
its' in the new releases and support section of the forum, 'CBFS VA F27'
just about the best compilation there is at present

