Fokker G-1 Grimreaper - its finally there!

huub vink

Staff member
Hi guys,

The Fokker G-1 beta is finally available. It should be available in the library soon. Make sure to read the included manual!


Mod Edit:



Hoi Huub!

Thank you so much for this wonderful airplane. I just downloaded the package. Will start flying tomorrow. I'm very much looking forward to the Jachtkruiser experience.

Hartelijke groeten,
Thank You Huub :applause: :applause:

Just installed it and had a very quick flight before heading out the door for work. :jump: :jump:

It's magnificent, and I'll get lots of enjoyment out of this Fokker.

Thanks again.

Lovely wee plane. Reacts very well. Easy to make a roll (and hear the engines lose power while upside down). At the end of my first flight a perfect three point landing. Great panel. Everything lovelyjubbly!:applause::applause::applause:

Downloaded Mercury sound from (author Gary Jones). Very nice combination.

Thanks again, guys, for this wonderful gem.

Many thanks, Huub! What a beautiful creation.

It goes perfectly with Cees vintage Dutch airfields....not to mention the excellent Koolhoven FK58 and Ito's recent Fokker D.XXIII.
Thanks Huub, nice plane.

Does anyone know how the rear gun system worked? Obviously some portion of the cone had to open but I don't know where. Also how did they avoid shooting up the supporting framework? Just curious, thanks.
Here's a photo of the turret with the gun as it would have looked when used. Two small doors are opened (On the model they are on the top side) and the gun, which is on a hinge, is extended out. The whole turret rotates to point the down down or up.

View attachment 68685