Folkstone Raid Mission Pack


Well Ive gone and done it
Under CFS 3 Other Add-Ons - Missions and Campaigns I have uploaded a 6 mission pack


Copied from the read me below

Folkstone Raid - 6 Missions (non historical)

Its the 22nd of Sept 1940, the time is 0400 as pilots and ground crew all over France and England start their day, for some its probably going to be their last. Squadron leaders and intelligence officers grab their paperwork and head over to the various squadron rooms to conduct the morning briefings.
Pilots and flight crews, some with tea, some others with coffee make their way to the same halls to see what the mission for this morning will be. Listening intently they take in everything thats said and all the markings on the map board, all take notes as if their very life depends on it...

Mission 1 Briefing - 264Sq - Defiant Mk.I
Routine patrol out over the channel this morning, no heroics.

After takeoff head to the Folkstone area where you are to patrol between there and the point marked on the map. Our radar will be able to give you a bearing to any incoming aircraft for you to investigate. If you sight any incoming bombers get on the radio and let fighter command know the position, altitude and numbers of the enemy. After sighting the enemy head back towards our vectored fighters. Once the enemy formations have been broken up get in there and take out any bombers that are isolated. The clouds should provide some cover from escorting fighters if they see you. Now get out there and win us a war. Wheels rolling at 0530 hours, initial heading 110Deg climb to 18000'.

Mission 2 Briefing - ZG 26 - Bf 110C-4
Escort bombers attacking the Folkstone railyard.

We have been requested to escort KG 51 on a early morning attack. Your mission is to keep the RAF fighters away from our bombers, stay close and do not get drawn away from them. After they have finished their bomb runs, cover their rear as they make a break for home. JG 77 will be in the area escorting a second KG 51 formation. Reports from Luftverteidigungs Nachrichten Abteilung 5 insist that the RAF fighter resources are so depleted that they will struggle to put up much resistance to this mornings attack. Take off will be at 0530, climb out to 5000' on initial heading of 256Deg to rendezvous with the bombers.

Mission 3 Briefing - KG 51 - He 111
Attack the railyard at Folkstone.

We are shifting from night operations to an early morning slot just to keep the British thinking. Despite intelligence reports to the contrary and based on other units action reports you may encounter heavy fighter resistance and for this reason we have secured a fighter escort for this mission. There will be another unit striking the dock facilities. Wheels rolling at 0530, climb to 5000' on initial heading of 317Deg then once your escort is on station climb to 12500' for the run into target. After making your run on target descend to 1500' for the run home using speed gained in the dive to assist your getaway.

Mission 4 Briefing - 257Sq - Hurricane MK.I
Patrol the Folkstone area.

The normal patrols this morning gentlemen, last night the Germans didnt launch many raids and Air Intelligence Branch feel they may launch attacks this morning. Radar and patroling aircraft will be able to give us vectors to any targets. As usual target the bombers but watch out for any escorting fighters. There will be some 609Sq spits in the area to help with any escorting fighters. Takeoff at 0530 hours, initial heading 131Deg and climb out to 16000'.

Mission 5 Briefing - JG 77 - Bf 109E-3
Escort bombers attacking the harbour facility at Folkstone.

This morning we are to provide escort for KG51 He111's attacking the harbour and dockyard facilities at Folkstone, as usual keep any RAF fighters away from our bombers. When the bombers turn for home after the bomb run you are free to take out any engaged enemy fighters before resuming escort of the bombers home. ZG 26 is escorting another KG 51 formation attacking the same area. Luftverteidigungs-Nachrichten-Abteilung 5 has assured us that the RAF will struggle to put up much resistance to our attacks so this will be an easy mission today. Takeoff at 0530, initial heading of 358Deg and climb to 7000' to rendezvous with the bombers.

Mission 6 Briefing - 609Sq - Spitfire MK.Ia
Provide top cover over Folkstone.

Good morning gentlmen, patrol the Folkstone area in case the Germans launch a suprise raid, reports coming over the wire suggest they will. Radar and patroling aircraft will be able to give us vectors to any targets. Hurricanes will attack any bombers, your job will be to keep the escorting fighters off them. Takeoff at 0530 hours, make your initial heading 108Deg climb out to 20000'.


Start CFS3 ETO Expansion
Select Era 2 - Summer 1940 - Year End 1942 Battle Of Britain
Once ETO is running, exit.

Copy missions (Folk1...Folk6.xml) into missions/whatif folder.

Copy facilities file (crates and oil drums.xml) to facilities folder (DO NOT OVERWRITE IF PROMPTED)
Copy weather file (scatteredclouds3.xml) to weather folder (DO NOT OVERWRITE IF PROMPTED)
Facilities and weather files used should be already in your ETO install.

Aircraft used in the missions should be available in a default install of ETO 1.50.
There have been many great aircraft released since ETO was produced so feel free to insert your favorite versions of the same aircraft. I just chose the default aircraft for ease of use.


As usual make sure the ETO Spawn Selector is set to random spawn disable.

My thanks to all the developers involved in the ETO expansion who produced such a class install.
My thanks also to the community at SOH who continue to update our favorite simulator.

First time Ive done any missions so any input or advice is welcome, I can be contacted at the SOH CFS3 Discussion forum.

Mick Taylor - 65olschool

These missions may only be hosted at SOH.
Folkstone Raid Sept 1940


A new entry has been added to Add-Ons Library, category CFS 3 Other Add-Ons - Missions and Campaigns

Description: Folkstone Raid - 6 Missions (non historical)

Its the 22nd of Sept 1940, the time is 0400 as pilots and ground crew all over France and England start their day, for some its probably going to be their last. Squadron leaders and intelligence officers grab their paperwork and head over to the various squadron rooms to conduct the morning briefings.
Pilots and flight crews, some with tea, some others with coffee make their way to the same halls to see what the mission for this morning will be. Listening intently they take in everything that's said and all the markings on the map board, all take notes as if their very life depends on it...

To check it out, rate it or add comments, visit Folkstone Raid Sept 1940
The comments you make there will appear in the posts below.
Well that (Folkstone Patrol 4) was a complete bust.

Nice climb out to 16,000, enjoying the beautiful cloud colors of the awakening dawn.

Start partoling back and forth just off the coast, and quickly discover that those lovely clouds are full of unexpected turbulence.

Then next thing I know I'm spinning upside down at 6,000.

Recover, and try to penetrate the clouds again to regain my altitude.

Give up after a few tries and just stay on the patrol headings below the cloud base.

Eventually look up to see the bombers closing on the English shore well above me.

Full power climb is fruitless in closing the lead they have on me.

Everyone disappears into the clouds, and the only thing I can see on the screen is a string of reports from my aircraft getting damaged by something in the murk.

After getting bounced around by the weather again, I finally pop out to see a melee going on around me.

One He 111 is crossing out in front of me so I do an arcing intercept course to come up behind him.

I get to fire off a couple of hundred rounds from way too far away, and manage to get 6 hits that knock a few bits off, but does nothing to slow him down.

The next thing I know tracers from somewhere behind me in the clouds are striking my aircraft, and I'm done for.

Take to my chute, and land in the water with a nice view of this morning's Pink Cliffs of Dover...
Well that (Folkstone Patrol 4) was a complete bust.

Nice climb out to 16,000, enjoying the beautiful cloud colors of the awakening dawn.

Start partoling back and forth just off the coast, and quickly discover that those lovely clouds are full of unexpected turbulence.

Then next thing I know I'm spinning upside down at 6,000.

Recover, and try to penetrate the clouds again to regain my altitude.

Give up after a few tries and just stay on the patrol headings below the cloud base.

Eventually look up to see the bombers closing on the English shore well above me.

Full power climb is fruitless in closing the lead they have on me.

Everyone disappears into the clouds, and the only thing I can see on the screen is a string of reports from my aircraft getting damaged by something in the murk.

After getting bounced around by the weather again, I finally pop out to see a melee going on around me.

One He 111 is crossing out in front of me so I do an arcing intercept course to come up behind him.

I get to fire off a couple of hundred rounds from way too far away, and manage to get 6 hits that knock a few bits off, but does nothing to slow him down.

The next thing I know tracers from somewhere behind me in the clouds are striking my aircraft, and I'm done for.

Take to my chute, and land in the water with a nice view of this morning's Pink Cliffs of Dover...

MajorMagee, great debrief, you may have seen recently a lot of screenshots where I have been blown up, burnt and various ways of unintended landing, well that's all from testing those missions.

I didn't really have that issue with the clouds much, certainly it did happen occasionally and those clouds can help you play a bit of hide and sneak with the enemy.

I can assure you that you can be successful on all of them.

Nobody else has any feedback on the missions?

I've got broad shoulders so if you can see where I can improve I'm open to hearing how.


Hi 65olschool, Thanks very much for the new mission pack. It seems we are a small active community these days. If you look at the videos on YouTube as a guide, most of the stuff posted is actually the old, obsolete, unmodified stock install - a lot of people don't seem to download any addons. Go figure?

I really like the look of your new missions, but it could be a week or more before I install them.
Had the same problems as Andy. Dislike flying through the clouds to say the least. Did manage to get shot down and crashed a few times before that happened. Gotta be a trick flying through clouds,just don't know what it is. Well done for a first try but i say loose the clouds or make them light. Regards,Scott
I have not flown these missions but just a couple of comments

1. Weather. This seems to be one as in CFS3 ETO Expansion, which has a variety of scatteredclouds xmls, so nothing new. All have Windspeed="0" windDir="0", but apparently that is not the issue, and elsewhere there has been a discussion about what can only be called cloud turbulence, (any joy there people?) I suggest that those who don't like it, manually change with notepad to something like 4_10th_scattered_clouds_2000ft.xml; a stock item

2. You mention radar giving you info, but I don't see you using aircraft which have sdsbolt's AI Radar app function, which would be more realistic ( see initial posts here )
All that is required is the short names to be changed to xxxxxx F.C. activate the app before staring CFS3 and toggle Shift + R, hey presto! If you want to do that, just upload the xdp files with the change, for instance

For the ETO_huri_MkI the first few lines would be

?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<General Allegience="0" LongName="Hurricane MkI" ShortName="Hurricane 257 1940 F.C." ModelName="ETO_hur_MkI.m3d" BlastDamageScale="1.0" ImpactDamageScale="1.0" FireDamageScale="1.0" Priority="1" Type="moving" EnteredService="7/1/1940" LeftService="12/1/1945" BlastDamageMod="1" ImpactDamageMod="1" FireDamageMod="1" Category="fighter_bomber" Country="britain" AllowSpawn="y" InfoURL="aircraft\DR_Hurricane_MkIIA_HA-E\help\AvHistoryInfo_DR_Hurricane_MkIIA_HA-E.htm" ChecklistURL="aircraft\DR_Hurricane_MkIIA_HA-E\help\AvHistoryInfo_DR_Hurricane_MkIIA_HA-E.htm"></General>

Or people should be able to do that themselves. Delete the bdp files and the shortname change has no other effects than the ability to use the AI radar app
Hmm interesting, was it the German missions where this mainly happened?
I can definitely use a more lighter cloud setting but I just didn't have that much of an issue, maybe 1 in 10 times I flew and mainly flying the German side where I was on a fixed course.

Next missions will have much more open sky's if that's what is preferred.

The missions are hard and you need to use some smart flying tactics to be successful and I thought that is what might be one of the things I got feedback on not the weather, go figure.

Thanks for the feedback anyway, I thought it was strange there is around 500 views but nothing was said about the missions

@Mongoose I haven't used the radar mod yet but intend to in the future, I just wanted to keep it simple for my first time.
For these missions its just a dialogue used in the briefings, the target (goal) indicator on the mini-map is what I was referring to as radar directed. I used scattered clouds 3 as the weather.

