Following your AI flight into Clouds?



What is the procedure for handling large clouds when you are following your flight leader in campaign?

I was in a flight of four and the other three kept flying into clouds at about 6 thousand feet, but when I would follow them I got thrown to the deck three times and died on the third one which I couldn't pull out of in time. Where as they didn't seem to be in danger... are they not affected?
Should I try to navigate around the cloud banks, then get back on course using the radar blue guide line and hopefully catch up to the group? Running out of time I finally X warped to the next way point where we ran into a nice dog fight, but I would like to get this cloud problem worked out.

Do you have "In Cloud Effect" disabled in the config???



Do you have "In Cloud Effect" disabled in the config???



Absolutely..disabled, and I usually try to avoid clouds, but trying to follow a flight makes it difficult when they don't do the same.
There's a "turn off wind" or something in the workshop panel too.
You can disable that feature all you want...but try not getting the wind up when you and your wingies from RAF 3 get jumped by 7 DVII OAW from Jasta 28 on a routine patrol about 30 minutes outside Lechelle. Downed 1...forced one to land, but two of the *******s chased me all the way back across the lines. They're not stupid though. As soon as the cavalry showed up, they ran like hell. Talk about intense.....geeez.


Hi Rob,
I've had the same even with cloud effect and wind effect disabled. I think Pol responded to a similar thread recently and advised that 'its your call' in that you can chance following them into suspect looking clouds or opt for the safer alternative, which is to fly around the cloud formation and hope to catch them up.
There's a "turn off wind" or something in the workshop panel too.

Thanks Sigi, but I think that is only for wind, not cloud down drafts and such. I was getting hit with these huge gusts in the clouds that would spin the plane and put me in a black out and as I would come out of it I was heading straight toward the ground each time.
Thanks Sigi, but I think that is only for wind, not cloud down drafts and such. I was getting hit with these huge gusts in the clouds that would spin the plane and put me in a black out and as I would come out of it I was heading straight toward the ground each time.

Yes, I've experienced the wrath of the clouds to that extent too. Luckily I survived it, and now I don't fly through clouds anymore.
Hi Rob,
I've had the same even with cloud effect and wind effect disabled. I think Pol responded to a similar thread recently and advised that 'its your call' in that you can chance following them into suspect looking clouds or opt for the safer alternative, which is to fly around the cloud formation and hope to catch them up.

I guess I'll just try that, I just didn't know if others had resorted to warping in that situation or had taken the chance of flying lower, under the thunderheads risking being shot over the trenches., or trying to go around, etc.

Hopefully, in a future patch, we will be able to find out what is causing the incloud effects even when they are turned off in the config file and will be able to permanently disable them.. or make the AI smart enough to avoid cloud formations? that possible?