Fond Farewell

Donation drives

SOH Bandwidth Drive 2025

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Charter Member
Hi All

Given that neither of my machines are able to run Fs9 comfortably anymore due to old age I have decided to hang up my goggles and joystick and 'retire' from Fs9 until circumstances grant me a machine that will run it smoothly. I know my time here has been relativity brief and my contributions limited but before I go I just wanted to thank you all for your help and support you have given since I started on SOH your help and guidance have been very appreciated and I could not have asked for a more supportive and helpful group to turn to for help with my endeavors. I wish you all the best for the future.

My warmest regards to you all,

Take Care

It will be sad to see you give it up Hooky. Turn back the sliders, fly the low-poly aircraft in clear skies and hang with us. Better times are coming.
Yes Hooky, take Milton's advice and hang with us. Even if you don't fly, keep up with all the goodies that are constantly appearing in these threads. When the time comes, you'll have a hangar-full! :icon_lol:

- H52
Hooky, this comp will be 10 years old this summer and I manage to keep FS going on it. It can be done.
Hooky, this comp will be 10 years old this summer and I manage to keep FS going on it. It can be done.

i feel your pain Hooky my PC is on it's last legs (She's 7 this summer, and no replacement is on the horizon), hang in there/with us i've got £50 sat in my bank i was saving for my 'NEW PC' fund, but if it'll get you some components to keep going i'm willing to chuck it into your paypal to keep ya going :salute:
Hooky, your contributions have been far from limited, and I at most thi is "au revoir" rather than farewell. Even if feel you can't fly (and Milton's advice seems good to me) don't feel you need to abandon the Outhouse; during my year without a PC (remember guys, coffee and motherbaords don't mix) it was still fun to come here and keep up with the latest updates.

Hopefully we'll see you back here soon. :salute:
Stick around Hooky

Hey Hooky, you should see my old set-up. Sparks and smoke effects galore.

All your friends here are right. Of course things will get better.

No need to give up anything and its amazing what you can work on, even if you're speeds not up to much.
And I was hoping you'd really get into some more scenery work again, you have imagination and flare.

Yeovilton was great!
Hookey, I wish you well - and I wish you a new computer.

I had to replace my computer several months ago, and due to FS development burnout I haven't been able to find the motivation to get FS set up on my new system. Even so, I've continued to frequent this forum with an eye to the day when I will become active in the hobby once more. I would encourage you to do the same - keep up with the hobby and with your virtual friends and acquaintances, towards the day when you have a new computer - it's bound to happen eventually - and can resume participation in the hobby.

Hookey don't give up yet

Hookey my Dell is over 10 years old and I'am still running an ATI 128MB vid card. I have a Intel Pentium4 2.80 GHZ Cp and can manage to run most things depending on the scenery with most sliders about halfway.
Sure I get some stutters and sometimes the plane stops compleatly for a sec but it all still works.
I too am waiting for the day I can upgrade but who knows when that will be. As long as this old box keeps running I'll use it till the wheels fall off.
There are a lot of sims I'd love to have but can't and until I am forced too I will continue with this old thing.
So don't give up yet,as Willy said ,it can be done.
yea; wot everyone else has said... stay around..
the guts of my current box are nearly 7 yrs old; runs fs9 ok as long as I lock the FPS @ 18-21


I read this thread and am really confused.

Apparently you've been running fs9 on the same computer for at least two years with no problems. Now you have the same computer and the same fs9 but all of a sudden it won't run very well? What has changed?
I ran FS9 on a 10 year old home built machine. It wasn't very powerful but in it's day... it was the best. I was limited to flying at night with my high poly models, during the day I had clear skies and low poly models, besides helicopters.... some didn't have a VC so they were a little bit smoother than others. I was locked in at 21FPS, anything higher or lower and FS9 became a slide show.

It's your choice, mate... but like others have said, we all think it'd be an even better place if you chose to hang out with us. You'll have a new system and be back in the air before you know it. :mixedsmi:

I read this thread and am really confused.

Apparently you've been running fs9 on the same computer for at least two years with no problems. Now you have the same computer and the same fs9 but all of a sudden it won't run very well? What has changed?

Actually It hasn't been the same computer as such.... over the last 3 years I've been through two towers and a laptop. after a mobo failure on one of the towers I bastardized the two to create what has been fondly referred to around the house as 'Frankenstein's monster' but unfortunatly the 1st gen p4 1.7ghz is starting to slow stagger overheat and crash in the space of about 30mins the laptop then became my 'FS lifeboat' for a while but thats bluescreening after about the same amount of time so its not good news on either front.
i feel your pain Hooky my PC is on it's last legs (She's 7 this summer, and no replacement is on the horizon), hang in there/with us i've got £50 sat in my bank i was saving for my 'NEW PC' fund, but if it'll get you some components to keep going i'm willing to chuck it into your paypal to keep ya going :salute:

Bless you Matt but no you keep it buddy the Outhouse needs its Chief Painter Back! lol The quicker your back operational the better for all mate!
thank you all for the kind words and advice we will have to see if a solution presents itself in time if not its been a privilege Simming with you all.

Thank you
