Foo Fighter


Charter Member 2014
I have done the pod as a 500Lb'er and this is the result,i will move it up to the pylon in gmax.then try it on other aircraft to see how it fits.
Hi FF. Its now moved,unless i am doing something wrong, i dont think it matters if its named as bomb or a radom, i think its all in the positioning in gmax, the last two shots have a pylon but its all but invisable, both with the 500lb bomb and the radar pod, what are your thoughts about the size and colour
Nice work JC!:woot:

Thats exactly what I had in mind, a AN/APS-4 that could be selected in the loadout menu by any AC without special mods. It was said to be about the size of a 500lb'er but about 200 - 300lbs lighter. I don't think it had a purpose built pylon either as nearly every pic has it mounted to a different pylon. One of the stock pylons will do. It looks like you nailed the dimensions down. If you could give it it's own texture sheet or maybe map it to the stock allied weapons .dds that would be great.

Many, many thanks for making this and so quickly.:jump::applause:
Nice work JC!:woot:

Thats exactly what I had in mind, a AN/APS-4 that could be selected in the loadout menu by any AC without special mods. It was said to be about the size of a 500lb'er but about 200 - 300lbs lighter. I don't think it had a purpose built pylon either as nearly every pic has it mounted to a different pylon. One of the stock pylons will do. It looks like you nailed the dimensions down. If you could give it it's own texture sheet or maybe map it to the stock allied weapons .dds that would be great.

Many, many thanks for making this and so quickly.:jump::applause:

So are you ok with it, can i send you it, as is, if i put the .dds into the folder can you paint it ok.
Jaycee... that last one w/ the olive drab and the fins?... It just don't seem ta GO... (just playin')

On Mark's H-16, were ya ever able ta fix the weird prop anomolies??

...also you ARE gonna upload said 'radome'* w/ a sample texture? (soz if I wanna Tie-Dye it I can make it aesthetically pleasin' ta the eye??)

*the spell-check gave me "radiomen":isadizzy:
What is it L. new tracer effects?

No, its Dancats muzzle flash effects! I finally got it to work even with the default muzzleflash turned off. Also moved the flash out to the end of the gun barrels instead of the base of the wing where the muzzle flash normally occurs.
Jaycee... that last one w/ the olive drab and the fins?... It just don't seem ta GO... (just playin')

On Mark's H-16, were ya ever able ta fix the weird prop anomolies??

...also you ARE gonna upload said 'radome'* w/ a sample texture? (soz if I wanna Tie-Dye it I can make it aesthetically pleasin' ta the eye??)

*the spell-check gave me "radiomen":isadizzy:

What weird prop anomolies, cant say i noticed any, i was not planning to upload the radom, if you want, pm your email and ill send it when i send FF's. Spell check i think radom is likely short for radar dome.
Absolutely you can send it to me!:jump: Or I can DL it after you upload it - I didn't expect to keep it all to myself.

Thank you again!:woot: