Foot Peg question


Have a question for anyone who may know. Is the foot pegs on the Vultee BT-13 retractable or is it static?

Thanks in advance

It's been some years since I've been up close to one, but I don't think the pegs retract. I think they're fixed like those on the AT-6/SNJ/Harvard.

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And seeing that the 13 was a more basic aircraft than the Six (and slower, too) there'd be no need.

Thanks Neil

I kinda thought so to but wanted to get a 2ed opinion. I'm working on a BT-13 at this time.

Your 13's looking great so far, Chris! Reminds me of a terrific video done by the late, great Jeff Ethell - a legendary warbird pilot - who highlighted the BT-13 , along with the T-6 and PT-22, on one of his programs. The 13's landing gear looked like it was made of sewer pipe!


After I read your initial post about the foot peg, and before read the rest of the thread, I went off and did a Google search for pics of the Vultee the BT-13 was called by the pilot students who flew the plane...and in the pics of the BT-13 in the air, the foot peg was still visible. This makes me believe that it is non-retractable.