For ‘vintage’ Members …


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Back with you to ask ‘vintage’ members who know this plane.

View attachment 28264
CFS-2 Model created by this team
« This plane is Copyrighted by the DAG (designers Alliance Group) and specially for the :
Airfiles : Lee Boyer
Damage profiles : Stephane Lehuede (Tubs)
Data research : Eric (cfsfrance)
Panel : Claudio Dillulo
Textures : Alain Coupet (_Ugly_Ducky_)
Visual model (plane/payload) : Alain Coupet
Virtual Panel : Alain Coupet »

Since 2006 Alain is a friend of mine and when I said few month ago « I go back to Fs » he told me he knew the subject and showed me the plane above
Now he is in ‘sailing-model’, Intern. One Meter whith me.

MY WISH : to show him ‘his’ plane on FS-2004, because it becomes immediatelly like that :
View attachment 28263

MY QUESTION : is there anybobody who can help me to fix the texture for FS-2004
No matter the contact-points, just to see the plane in flight.

Thanks to you

P.S : I am not very good when I write in English.
He is better then me, but if you listen to his Oxford accent … from here … LOL
Patrick- I am afraid you are out of luck when it comes to this model. Someone may correct me, but I believe this model is made in an older format that does not display properly in FS2004. I just checked- the model will not work in FS2002 either. It only displays properly in CFS2. Sorry! -Mike Z.
Yep...that model is too old to be used in FS2002 or 2004. The modeling codes are far too different than what FS can use. It's not just a simple texture issue, it involves the coding for the LOD (Levels Of Detail) that are misread by FS. There is no way to get it to work in FS2004.

I remember the DAG planes with much fondness, many happy memories.

Without the source files (if they were FSDS1) or carte blanche to hack them into submission, I fear nothing possible. Even then I'm not sure.

Don't know if this will work:

FS2004 Russian WWII Fighters Pack. This package contains five aircraft, all in a way represent the best Russian fighters during World War II. Included are the Yak 1, the prototoype which eventually became the Yak 9, also included in this file (further updated from the one above), and the MiG 3, which was a tough plane to fly but in the right hands could do wonders, the La 5, an improvement of the LaGG 3 making it a very succesful fighter and the La 5FN, an improvement on the original La 5 with a bigger engine and lower cut cockpit. All these fighters have been converted from CFS2, and will not have the message asking to disable parts of the aircraft. Aircraft by Thicko and Gerald Lindell. 13,5 Mb

There are several FS2004 skins in the SOH library
Back with you to ask ‘vintage’ members who know this plane.

View attachment 28264
CFS-2 Model created by this team
« This plane is Copyrighted by the DAG (designers Alliance Group) and specially for the :
Airfiles : Lee Boyer
Damage profiles : Stephane Lehuede (Tubs)
Data research : Eric (cfsfrance)
Panel : Claudio Dillulo
Textures : Alain Coupet (_Ugly_Ducky_)
Visual model (plane/payload) : Alain Coupet
Virtual Panel : Alain Coupet »

Since 2006 Alain is a friend of mine and when I said few month ago « I go back to Fs » he told me he knew the subject and showed me the plane above
Now he is in ‘sailing-model’, Intern. One Meter whith me.

MY WISH : to show him ‘his’ plane on FS-2004, because it becomes immediatelly like that :
View attachment 28263

MY QUESTION : is there anybobody who can help me to fix the texture for FS-2004
No matter the contact-points, just to see the plane in flight.

Thanks to you

P.S : I am not very good when I write in English.
He is better then me, but if you listen to his Oxford accent … from here … LOL

Hi Metro, all of the names you are quoting are well known to me and as Jamie put it they all bring fond memories of my debut in the FS world, it was around 2000 and back then i was flying in the Pacific theatre before i moved to the Russian front, later I got married and became a father and i went GA and airliners... this goes especially also for Tubs (Stéphane) or Eric from CFS France. If by any chance you happen to write see talk to them please send them the warmest regards from "admiral_prune" my callsign back then... as i unfortunately have lost contact with all of them.
Hi Corsair, I see you are now in center of France so I say « je suis content de te lire »

I am happy to read what you say about your friends.
Here, maybe Eric is findable on French FS website but I see only Alain and have not already told him what I am doing here now.

My hope ?: to read the members of this team telling us the story of this model
Remember these old good days : no Skype, no mobil-phone, maybe they communicated by Morse !
How did they manage to carry out this project across several continents ?

If some of you know one them, give him a « rendez-vous » here.
And if you do not understand what is «… », just go on Goooogle translation (like me :wiggle:) ;-)

Read you soon Corsair
You scared me ! I should tell the Moderators that !!
We must click on the « BUY NOW - button » to see it is a FREEWARE.
But it’s nice, so I forgive you :)
Lavochkin’s family grows up on my hard-disk, here comes LA-9 !
In the same time, my first Chinese livery.

Who’ll be the next one ?

When a child I fell in love whith the Catalina, and am still fond of 2 Motors (or more) sea-planes.
I send you the last Russian aircraft I have dowloaded, yesterday afternoon.
This is my first multimotor float plane with the Red Star :
Nice Beriev BE-12 for FS-2002 :
No sounds, I put this pack :
Is there a place (website, Forum, …) you know where guys are talking about ?
Have you already find unusual hydro-models (from other countries than W-Europ or USA) ?

P.S : the only thing I am pround of, in aviation, is that I had the opportunity to shake the hand of the first men who flew afer take-off from water, Henri Fabre.
We were on the banks of the same pond he was in 1910 ( for a R-C model-airplane meeting, on floats of course !)
If you want to commerate his flight with an hydro, just fly to LFML and you’ll see the water at the end of the runway , see History

He was pretty old when I saw him, I was rather young, and … still I am ! (?)
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Not only the Lavochkin’s family grows up. I know you don’t care about, but …
This morning an Ultra-Light opened his eyes at 09 ;00. GMT . Now I am a ‘Grandfather’.
I suddenly become OLD and am no more allowded to say silly things if I want to be respectable just a little.

P.S : I'll perform my own pre-flight check in the following hours, but have already listen to his 2 noisy cylenders
See you after

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The newcomer I saw at the hospital ( see above) looks like a Peanuts*, rather then a Ultra-light.

Talking about Peanuts, the only one I have ever built was a Pietenpol Aircamper.
View attachment 28760
Mine was the real rubber-band free-flight model-airplane.
Here is the same, … without the rubber and not really free :

If you haven’t already try, do it !
Just steal the keys of a gymnasium !!

Peanuts* : a maximum wingspan of 13" inches, or a maximum fuselage length of 9" inches