? for 32-bit OS users

Hi Jamie,
No, I haven't, and it doesn't look like many have.

What I would say is that a 32 bit OS system cannot use memory addresses that 4Gb provide, so although it reports 4Gb, it cannot actually use it.

The links say that it can mean different allocation of that memory to Autodesk, giving it more to play with. Well assigning more memory to an application is always possible, but whether that leaves more for the OS I don't know. I suppose as it would leave 3Gb or thereabouts for the OS (which is less than the total that can be addressed), then it might work?

TBH (I take it it's 3dsMax that you're using) if you're using 3dsMax, and the OS is not running anything else, then the benefits are going to be nominal. If you want to run 3dsMax and have some other progs or OS based progs ie. IE, Mediaplayer running then you may see benefits.

Best way it to try it out. If you get a BSOD, and re-booting is impossible, you could always take a stick of RAM out, which makes it physically impossible for the OS to use any more than 3Gb, which may get you back in.

Really all you need to do is to allocate more memory to 3dsMax, and not have anything else running, that probably would give the same result.

