Hello Gimpy,
certainly this link will not only be interesting for german-speaking people :wave:
But since i often seem to misunderstand you (being german, as you sure know, since you sent me this card all the way from the US, it is sometimes difficult for us germans to understand those from the colonies far away in the West) there are two possibilities of what you (seem to) mean:
1st: Speaking german is per se impolite :hand:

Hrrrmph, it may sound a bit rough for those anglo-saxons that are not used to hear it lolol

2nd: You mean it is impolite to call this interesting only for german native speakers, or you found it impolite that RWO2 wrote his post in german ?
3dr: It was a joke, which would be my understanding. Anyway i understand your east-coast yankee humour a lot better than the californian version ...
"es war eigentlich doch eine schreckliche Zeit. Jetzt sehr romantisiert, damals Hölle..."
which (appx.) means:
"It was actually rather a terrible time. Nowadays heavily romanticized, but hell back then ... "
I am trying to improve the international view at Germany, which is (strangely as it may appear) sometimes difficult in those war forums hrrrmm...
P.S. Still did not find this blonde named Inga ..