Newbie experience
After about six weeks learning Blender and MSFS SDK , I've succesfully created a model of Bowman Field's old Admin office. It has been a long, tedious trial and error struggle dealing with SDK changes since SU13, incompatibilities between Blender and Export versions and age limitations of one-eye vision, remnants of a mild stroke, and short term memory. Very helpful were PatriotSix tutorials, listed below, that were played many times until I could complete the SDK process with little reference to them. A list of steps was also made, based on those tutorials, as an abbreviated reference.
I may do more design but... I spent months doing Louisville for FSX to become obsolete by the much better Photogrammetry. Age, time and ability now limits what I'll do.
My first MSFS SDK experience began shortly before SU13 and I became briefly familiar with the interface and the individual editor windows that could be moved about and arranged to my liking/size on the monitor workspace. SU13's SDK was a surprise in that much was limited in customizing the editor screens. The Project Editor and scenery Editors were delegated to the left while the Inspector, Objects and Properties Editors were to the right side, leaving roughly one third of the screen space in the center to place your objrcts. A Materials Editor and Gizmo were allowed to float and be resized. The other editors could only be resized horizontally. The lack of distinct editor borders confused me until discovering the Project and Scenery editor could be expanded by ticking the top of those editors. The same was true of the Inspector, Objects and Properties Editors. Supposedly this is an improvement in that much will always be fixed, but it was a new learning curve for an already newby.
ak416 of SOH provided the link,, which helped resolve a Market place problem when creating an initial SDK build. The SDK prior to SU13 used thumbnails of size of 412x170 but afterwards required 904x486. Boris of the SDK Q&A Platform provided the solution. The Marketplace data had to be removed, the build deleted and rebuilt. The SDK was allowed to proceed without errors but required the 412x170 thumbnail.
I needed a Blender UV feature that would reverse the selected image, in right to left and left to right order. The Blender V3.0.1 used by PatriotSix in his tutorials did not work for me, but V2.93.17 did. The late v3.3.6 version and its recommended exporter is still mystery to me so I've never used it. Juggling with all the Blender versions and compatible exporters slowed progress.
-------------------------------------------------- PatriotSix/SDK/Scenery Design (add objects) PatriotSix/Blender 3D models into MSFS (template is SimpleScenery)