for Jamie.......

huub vink

Staff member
I have just uploaded the "Goodbye Micky Mouse" textures for the Warbirdsim P-51B

from the read me:

This a set of two repaints for the payware FS2004 or FSX Warbirdsim P-51 B/C. The repaints depict the aircraft flown by two of the main characters in the novel "Goodbye Mickey Mouse" written by the British writer Len Deighton.
One repaints the aircraft Mickey Mouse II flown by Captain Z.M. Morse, nicknamed Mickey Mouse, who is racing to become the first American pilot to break Eddie Rickenbacker's record of 26 kills from World War I. The other repaint depicts the aircraft named Kitbitzer flown by Captain James A. (Jamie) Farebrother, who starts a relationship with an English girl.
Both repaints are based on an analysis by Jonathan Strickland, and the fairly accurate descriptions of the artwork, given in the book.

To use these repaints you should have a legal copy of the Warbirdsim model either in FS2004 or FSX. With permission from John "bomber_12th" Terrell the textures from the "Ding Hoa" livery were used as base for these repaints.

As the novel is placed in the winter 1943-1944 it is logical that the aircraft are the early P-51B-5-NA version and are still painted in the early olive green/grey scheme. In the book there is a description how one of the main characters closes the canopy, which indicates the aircraft had the birdcage canopy. The airfield in the novel is fictional and therefore the unit is fictional as well. The unit code TZ was chosen as it didn't exist in real life. The aircraft numbers are fictional as well.

Enjoy (also for those not named Jamie :biggrin-new:),


Read this book some years ago,it is very good but doesn't hold upto it's claim of "the only way you'll know how to fly a P-51"

Nice re-paints Huub,shame I don't have a suitable 51B,only WOP 51D's.
Many thanks Huub,

Got me a bonifide legal copy of Flight Leader 1 & 2. I actually ended up with two copies of part 2 as one vendor had the description of part 1 but actually supplied part 2. The vendor couldn't understand this and was of little to no help. John ended up sorting me out like the true gent he is. I'd say they have to be amongst the best quality models ever made for FS9.

Going to have to figure out a base to fly these from now.

Thanks again,
Jamie (definitely not James)
You're more than welcome Jamie.

I know the problem with the incorrect advertised package. One vendor sells the P51 fighter leader package I and an other sells the package P51 fighter leader II however they are both advertised as as the package II.
But Simshack sells the package II and PC Aviator sells the package I.

I can't recall who, but somebody here at the SOH assured me that the package at PCAviator was labelled incorrectly. Luckily he was right :biggrin-new:

The 'story was revealed early on' was clued in by the meaning of Kibitzer, btw. If your interested in reading this book, don't look up the meaning.
fighter leader

I have fighter leader 2 with bombs on ,the two textures work on that one . does fighter leader 1 have the tanks . is it worth buying fl1 . I have limited funds these days

Its always difficult to make a decision for somebody else. But I think the except for the load-out the packages are nearly the same. So when you really want to fly the model with drop tanks you should buy the other package. When you don't really care you should save your money for something else which comes along. But in general both packages the birdcage version and the Malcolm hood version. The package you have contains the F-6C photo recon version which the other package doesn't.


Its always difficult to make a decision for somebody else. But I think the except for the load-out the packages are nearly the same. So when you really want to fly the model with drop tanks you should buy the other package. When you don't really care you should save your money for something else which comes along. But in general both packages the birdcage version and the Malcolm hood version. The package you have contains the F-6C photo recon version which the other package doesn't.


thanks hub
I usually only fly from tower view to watch aerobatics so a load out isnt a problem. this aircraft was hangered for a long time as i couldnt work out how to get rid of the bombs . im a technophobe. but i got there in the end.are there any other textures about ?

There are quite some nice repaints available in our library. When you do a search on Warbirdsim in the category FS2004 you will be able to find quite a few.

Jan Kees Blom did quite a few as well, but I think they all ended up in the FSX part of the library

As you call you self a "technophobe" you can find a screenie how to perform the above described search



"Joan" is one of my favorites, as it has a story. Many years ago AckAck entered a repaint of Joan for a contest in which you had to repaint the donationware P51B, however it was based on a paintkit by somebody else, which was not allowed. He uploaded the repaint and did another repaint for the contest. Nevertheless Joan has always been one of my absolute favorite repaints for the donationware P51B and I flew it for countless hours.
(The contest was won by a very young Bomber_12th)

When I finally purchased the Warbirdsim model, I was pleasantly surprised to find this repaint done by Duckie.
