For owners of SW 3D-lights...

Desert Rat

Library Staff
Staff member
I have had a little problem, now solved by an update available in this thread...

this updates you to V1.2, if you missed V1.1 get it here....

Not sure if V1.1 is required before V1.2, maybe safest to try them in sequence.

V1.1 added more light variations and also new gauges for taxi lights and wingfold functions, IIRC. But it seemed to cause a little prob or two on some systems, V1.2 fixes them. See the first link for details. Well worth updating for the downward pointing helo lights alone.

here's my cfg edit for the newely released Belfast from AS...


//Types: 1=beacon, 2=strobe, 3=navigation, 4=cockpit, 5=landing

light.0 = 3, -5.00, -80.00, 9.40, fx_shockwave_navred
light.1 = 3, -5.00, 80.00, 9.40, fx_shockwave_navgre
light.2 = 2, 8.40, 0.00, 11.40, fx_shockwave_beaconh
light.3 = 2, 14.75, 0.00, -7.00, fx_shockwave_beaconh
light.4 = 3, -75.25, 0.00, 12.00, fx_shockwave_navwhi
light.5 = 4, 50.46, 0.03, 5, fx_shockwave_vclight_l
light.6 = 4, -36.24, 0, 6.72, fx_shockwave_vclight_l
light.7 = 4, 29.70, 0.07, 5.38, fx_shockwave_vclight_l
light.8 = 5, 19.75, 5.75, -5.25, fx_shockwave_landing_light_narrow
light.9 = 5, 19.75, -5.75, -5.25, fx_shockwave_landing_light_narrow
light.10 = 5, 0.74, -52.91, 8.17, fx_shockwave_landing_light
light.11 = 5, 1.07, 53.01, 8.17, fx_shockwave_landing_light

I kind of wish I hadn't seen your post :mixedsmi:
I installed v1.2 and told it to make lights not visible in daylight.
It never really bothered me before, probably because I wasn't paying proper attention - if you switch on the landing lights in anything other than total darkness, they switch themselves off again!
You can see the switch flip.
And, you can see the taxi lights in daylight!
Have I totally messed up the installation??
GN, that sounds like the problem with V1.1, I had this with that version, updating to V1.2 fixed this for me, read the thread attached with the first link. I had the problem with the LL visible, didn't try it with them not visible (which worked with V1.1, I did test that, lol)

Did you update to V1.1 first? (second link)

Are you sure you are updated to V1.2? the zip names tell you your version.

If this doesn't fix it for you, run the V1.2 again and select the visible in daylight option. If that's not what you need, try running V1.1 again, as that should work okay with your choice.

I'll do some testing later and report my findings on the forum. Seems the fix in 1.2 has worked but at the same time broke what did work in 1.1.

erm, after re-readming, they're meant to turn themselves off during the day, that's what you chose to do, hide them. If you want to see them, run the v1.2 installer and choose the other option, it will update it without messing things up. You can run the installer as many times as you like to change your options, hasn't done me any harm and I ran it umpteen times when I tested the different versions.

Are they on or off just before dawn/just after dusk?

OK just the wrong expectation I suppose - I previously han't selected "don't see in daylight".
I didn't think the switch would actually be flipped back to the "Off" position when you switched it on in daylight!
It requires absolute night (not dawn or dusk) to stay on it seems.
Anyhow, I've gone back to the stock landing light on several planes, as I find it unrealistic to have either no landing light showing, or alternatively, a bright light cone in direct sunlight...

don't know what to say :redf: I had a problem after updating to V1.1, just thought I'd post what fixed it for me, sorry if it caused you more problems. Is anyone else problematic?

Me myself, love the 3d lights, they do have some quirks, but I'd rather live with them than not have them.


don't know what to say :redf: I had a problem after updating to V1.1, just thought I'd post what fixed it for me, sorry if it caused you more problems. Is anyone else problematic?

Me myself, love the 3d lights, they do have some quirks, but I'd rather live with them than not have them.


Hi Jamie
can you please send the correct link to update to 1.2? I have 1.1

use the first link on this page, then go to the second page of that thread, about 2/3rds down, post from Scott has the link.

did you get it?

Just after this was released for FS9 I raised the question here, why do you need the shockwave_lights!SW Lights entry in the panel? No answer at the time, wrong place to ask it, lol.

Scott A2A says on their forum,
If a light is mounted on a fixed surface, like the nose or wing, no reference is needed in the panel.cfg.

SW Lights and SW_Lights_taxi are actually not needed since the lights will operate ON or OFF via the AIRCRAFT.CFG entry alone, so disregard these.

So that clears it up :d

did you get it?

Just after this was released for FS9 I raised the question here, why do you need the shockwave_lights!SW Lights entry in the panel? No answer at the time, wrong place to ask it, lol.

Scott A2A says on their forum,

So that clears it up :d

I use Shockwave is a log time and never had any problem with surface
too. Anyway i have the 1.1 (regulary registered) and until now seem works fine.

