For the millionth tme


Well once again after being 3/4 finished with my re,re, re, I could go on forever, install of FS9 I went to put in a new panel for the old Alpha Cessna 170 and I came up with a missing BGL file that wouldn't let FS9 run.
So I've uninstalled FS9 and am thinking about doing a Golden Wings install.
I wish someone would maybe make a sticky about how to do a GW install,whats compatable and what isn't ,do I use the same disk to run it, all the usual stuff about whats compatable and what isn't.
If you think I should go to the Old Hanger for this then I will.
Sorry to hear of your frustrations Hurricane. Having just re-installed FS 9 a few months ago, I feel your pain. I'm still not satisfied with my most recent installation, but it's getting there.

I looked at my Golden Wings library for a tutorial. I thought I had one, but I didn't find one. Believe it or not, I've never got around to installing it.

Good luck.
Isn't there a comprehensive set of instructions included with the Golden Wings downloads? I'm pretty sure there is. Otherwise I don't know how I ever would've gotten GW installed.

Edit: I just checked my backup files and there is a comprehensive, step by step instruction manual included with the GW3 package.

However, you should still go to The Old Hangar downloads page to pick up the various fixes and enhancements that were released after the main GW package.
I thought FS9 was better

I thought that FS9 was more stable than FSX9(Although after redownloading FS9 so many time I can literaly do it in my sleep, if I get any)and FSX takes up more disk space,I never thought I could fill over half a TB on an HD with CFS2.
That's a subjective viewpoint. Some people swear by FS9. Others swear at it.

All true for FSX, of course.
"You pays your money, and you takes your chance".

At the moment, FS9 seems better for military flying, FSX for civil.
