Hey Miami, here's the read me for what's added with 2.0
2.0 Update
New Content: -
MDS 1.1 (Zuti)
The most recent version with many new and updated features.
See read at the Ultr@Pack docs folder.
Bombay Doors updated to very latest version (Fireball)
Re-skinned Older Building’s and some retextured Vehicles.
Korea 2 update by Dixiecapt & Flatspin.
New Flyables:
F86 A5
F86 F
F86 F25L
Mig 15bis
Mig 15Late
Mig 17 late (these all have temporary cockpits)
PeterD /Lieuwe /Flakiten /Fatduck /DrJones / Kumpel -
A6M3-22 'Zeke' (Zero),1942
A6M3-32 'Zeke' (Zero), 1942
A6M3-32kai 'Zeke'(Zero), '42
A6M3a-22ko 'Zeke' (Zero),'43
by Tainan group.
D.XXI Danish, 1938
D.XXI Dutch, 1938
D.XXI Sarja 3 early, 1939
D.XXI Sarja 3 late, 1941
D.XXI Sarja 4, 1941
D.XXI Sarvanto
with temp. cockpits
FW-190G-1, 1942
FW-190F-1, 1942
FW-190G-2, 1943
FW-190F-2, 1943
FW-190G-3, 1943
FW-190F-3, 1943
Lavochkin La-5F Early, 1943
Lavochkin La-5FN Early, 1943
LaGG-3, 1941 (8 series)
Yak-9D, 1944
Yak-9T, 1944
Yak-9T, 1945
Yak-9U, 1944 *New FM*
By Nullwar.
Fiat G.55 I,*NEW FM* 1944
Fiat G.55 I late,*NEW FM* '44
Fiat G.56, German Prot. '44
by uf_josse
IL-4, 1943
A6M2-N 'Rufe' Floatplane
Ki-46 III Kai Otsu
Me 321 & 323 Gigant
New stationary planes:
All the new slot planes by 303_Kwiatek and the above planes are made available as stationary also. More than 45 new stationary planes included in this release.
Bug fixes and corrections:-
Net code fix (more stable) and new more "tight" checkruntime implemented by |ZUTI| with help and support by HaDeS
De-clipped and generally optimized + many small corrections in response to users reports + new presets included for better general inter-compatibility.
Increased buffet sound volume to allow pilots to ‘ride the buffet’. (IvanK’s suggestion)
SAS_Cirx (most work here).
Full Credit Ju88C-8:
Maraz, Tamat
Fw190 & P40 E & M Smoke bug resolved (canopy closed).
Bf109 ‘s with opening cockpits, the internal and external view now matches up.
Engine boost corrected for MC205 Late and Bf109G6 Erla
Updated Reticules
Selected by C6_rollnloop (thanks to IvanK for data about MkIIc Gyro & K14)
FM corrections: -
Ju52 Seaplane ‘destructive’ bouncing corrected. (Its still rocky but possible)
Bf 109 F2 engine data had become corrupted, restored to stock 4.09m.
Early I16 &I153 engine data re-referenced to 4.09m, some engines had got corrupted and had too low prop mass.
Beaufighter MkI & MkX updated.
Updated FM’s for the TBM’s and B5A2 ‘s
(Thanks to Fireball for the connection here)
Corrected and improved many little 3d details.
(Apologies for the download size, it is better to overwrite archives sometimes rather than to keep adding the same material multiple times into the archives and I felt that there was enough content to justify the extra size for corrections.)
Sound bug of SAKAE engine planes corrected.
Corrected the WEP/Boost messages on German planes with the German one by HaDeS.
EFFECTS Made Simple with more options:-
These options should not affect CRT compatibility so it is your choice.
C6_Claymore has done a lot of work on this for V4.1.
(Credit also to all of those also that have improved the effects over time, Potenz & HolyGrail, Buffy, Thirdeye etc etc (and the people who’s effects they improved before that !!!), Without this progression and all of your work we would certainly not be where we currently are. )
Here is the whole range of the JSGME options:
00_1GB_CLIENT_Executable 1GB max mem heap for clients
00_4GB_CLIENT_Executable 1GB max mem heap & 4GB max mem usage for clients
00_6DOF_LookAround 6dof, look around version
00_6DOF_Tracker_1GBVersion 6DOF, TrackIR version 1GB max mem heap executable.
00_6DOF_Tracker_2_0_sHr 6DOF, TrackIR version.
00_6DOF_Tracker_4GBVersion 6DOF, TrackIR version 1GB max mem heap executable & 4GB max mem usage.
00_6DOF_XY_Axis 6dof, Xy axis version
00_Advanced_Engine Management Advanced Engine Management AOC.
00_Atm_modv3.1Wind_Turb&Prop Wind turbulence and prop-wash simulation.
00_Atm_mod_Original Configurable wind gusts.
00_Bullets_IntermittentSmoketrail Intermittent bullet smoketrail.
00_Default_SOUNDS Revert to Stock sounds
00_DFServers1.25GB_Executable 1.25GB max mem heap executable for DF servers
00_DFServers1.2GB_Executable 1.2GB max mem heap executable for DF servers (last Wine version compatible)
00_Ecran_Wide Wide screen menus mod.
00_EFFECTS_High High visibility - effects. All new Affects plus Full Josse’s clouds. Smoke and fire and explosion view distances are MUCH greater so that these are visible from much further away. The most visually satisfying.Competitive Online players and those with older PC’s may wish to avoid. (Even with stock clouds)
00_EFFECTS_Low Low visibility - effects Default IL2 effects and Clouds plus a few new additions required by new aircraft/bombs etc. This is the fastest option and is recommended for people with old PC’s or the very competitive online.
00_FMBPlus Full Mission Builder +. Useful for map makers.
00_H&P_Effects_Uranium_Edition Latest H&P effects
00_Hakenkruz_Enabler Enables the Hakenkruz on german and finnish planes
00_HSFX_Switcher Enables the HSFX client and/or Server version. My least contribution to the HSFX community,
00_HUDConfig_v1 This is the Hud config addon.
00_ModdedClouds(light) These are modified clouds baed on flushy's clouds. Very nice and more FPS friendly.
00_Pat_MOD This is the PAT mod. Very useful for movie-making.
00_Perfect_Map_Textures This enable's VPmedia's perfect textures for stock maps
00_QMBPro_PAL QMBPro4 by benitomusso and josse at SAS. An advanced QMB with mnany extras. Don't forget to read the ultra docs folder regarding this.
00_RealisticBomb&TorpedoFusing Relistic bombs and torpedoes behavior.
00_Safe_DLLs These are the "older" and more "safe" .dlls. Activate this if you encounter game crashes.
00_SmallerFonts This enables smaller fonts.
00_StockClouds This reverts to stock clouds.
00_Stock_4.09m This reverts to te Stock game.
00_USL_ADDONS USL addon for use within the USL leaque: Visit the USL Website
00_ZloyPetrushkO_AAAmod_fast More realistic aa behavior.
-AAA can’t see through the clouds above the fog (cloud type>= 4)
-AAA can’t see in the night without searchlights
-AAA in the night starts shooting with a much smaller distance without searchlights. Distance depends on the illumination.
-AAA don’t shoot in bad weather, if friends planes are near
-AAA has new firing logic from ships
-AAA is now shooting up to 1 meter above the ground
-AAA now you can "scare enemy AAA" (AAA don’t shoot about 3-4mins.if you scare AAA humans will be run out.
00_Zuti_DSMod_v1.01_UP This is ZUTI's MDS version 1.01
01_MOD_SLOT_COOP This enables the hidden coop slots addon.
01_TougherBridges Bridges are tougher to destroy.
01_TougherTrains Trainsare tougher to destroy.
01_Zuti_DSMod_v1.1_UP The last MDS version from |ZUTI|.
02_CarrierTakeoffMod_5.3.3 Carrier take off mod.
02_DgenOfflineCampaigns(Hsfx) For use with HSFX and off-line campaigns.