For those who missed this PLEASE READ

I hope the organization and the interface can be preserved as much as possible. I understand that updating and modernization is necessary but I hope it can be done without a disaster like the one that turned FlightSim from a very good and useful site to a real POS.
I hope the organization and the interface can be preserved as much as possible. I understand that updating and modernization is necessary but I hope it can be done without a disaster like the one that turned FlightSim from a very good and useful site to a real POS.

What he said.
What I have seen from the new forum so far it looks a bit different, but the functions are more or less the same. So I'm convinced we will find our way.
For some functions I haven't been able to find out whether they are still there, or whether we have to get used to live without them

You will most probably be able to personalise the forum to a certain extend. But my experience is that more functions will also increase the number of "errors" we make :biggrin-new:

And although the software will change, the company stays the same!

And just in case, hit the Library and D/L anything you think you might want to put in your Personal Archive... you never know.