For you engine buffs....


Retired SOH Administrator
Surely you'll have no problem identifying these engines...?








Good luck!

Over 30 views and not even a guess.....?? :mixedsmi:

Didn't think they are that difficult (At least some aren't..) and I'm not going to post more photos from this museum (Of actual aircraft) unless I get at least a few right answers! ;)

Small clue; five out of seven come from the same country.. :wiggle:
Ferry, I have enough trouble i/d-ing the aircraft never mind the clunky bits underneath.

I know, however, there are several out there who can tell a Gipsy Major from the cut of its crankcase.........

In general, I reckon these look a tad Teutonic ?????

I'll kick off with no 2 - an Argus As.10c ?

and no6 is a DB604.

no3 a Hirth of some kind ?
Now that is a hard nut to crack...!
I'm pretty sure that the No.6 is a Daimler Benz 6-series engine. (The background gives it away...!)
In general, I reckon these look a tad Teutonic ?????


I'll kick off with no 2 - an Argus As.10c ?

Correct! The aircraft in the background is supposed to look like a Bf-108, but is in reality a Nord 1002 with a Renault engine..

and no6 is a DB604.

Correct again! A 1942 DB604 (Should have editted out the '4'!). 24 cylinders, 46.5 liters displacement and 2,500 hp at 3,200 rpm.

no3 a Hirth of some kind ?

Nope; there is a strong analogy with the Bf-108 I mentioned above though...
The first one still has three manufacturers' logos on it.

The jet engine is a very early one and the last engine was never used in an aircraft (Only in a boat..) and is by far the biggest piston engine I have ever seen!

#1 is a BMW IVa

and #7 has to be one of those Zvezda monsters.

The W-18 must be a Lorraine.
#1 is a BMW IVa

and #7 has to be one of those Zvezda monsters.

The W-18 must be a Lorraine.

Time for the answers:

#1 is a Junkers L5 from1925 with 310 hp; it was used in the Junkers F13, W33 and G24

#3 is a Potez 6Do2A as used in the Morane-Saulnier MS.500 (French copy of the Fieseler Fi.156 Storch)

#4 Might be the most difficult one; it is a Daimler DVI from 1916 (!) which delivers 516 hp @ 1,440 rpm. It was only used as a testbed.

Here's a close-up of the cylinder heads:


#5, the jet engine, it's a Jumo 004! The jet that powered the Me-262 and the Arado 234.

Here's a restored version of that same engine:



And finally #7: It is indeed Russian; it's a Typ M 503 A-2, a 42-cylinder radial (Six rows of seven cylinders) four-stroke diesel with turbo. It has a displacement of 147.1 liters (Or 8,976 Cu.In.) and an output of 4,000 hp at 2,200 rpm. It was originally designed for a long-range bomber but that project was cancelled. It did find use in high speed boats though. Even more incredible: a 56-cylinder version was also made!