Force feed-back joystick or not?


Hi Folks,
Could I have your opinions please on the worth of force feed-back joysticks against oridinary? (e.g. Microsoft Sidewinder 2 USB)

Less or the same accuracy, how robust, problems etc etc.

Thanks in advance.

Cheers Shessi
I used the MS Sidewinder 2 for a while. Now it's the Saitek X52 and I don't miss a thing.
Playing CFS was nice with force feedback, especially when zooming around with a lot of firepower, but in civil aviation unpaved runways sometimes made it hard to handle the ship.

My opinion: unnecessary!

I kinda have to agree on FF being a bit too much for a Civil sim. I did have and use it very briefly, and then realized that the springs in a regular stick are enough.

You turn the tension way up for cable controlled control surfaces like on prop planes to simulate the slipstream over them. Then, for something like a fly-by-wire T-38, you turn the tension all the way down; same thing for helicopters, as their sticks can simply sit limp to one side when on ground.

With my old Logitech FF (which I don't really know if it was the best), it would kick left and right even in calm, smooth and level flight. I did download the FF update thingies which claimed to tone Flight Simulator's FF input, but it was still too much.

See what others have to say. I've been using my TopGun Afterburner II since 2002, and it's just the best HOTAS I've ever had. :monkies:
I've had two FF sticks. A MS Sidewinder 1 and I've got a Saitek Cyborg Rumbleforce in a back room closet. I've used a MS Sidewinder 1 without FF as my main stick for 10 years now.

FF was fun in CFS and Crimson Skies, but tended to be hard to aim when firing from the stick shaking. I don't miss it at all in FS. The Saitek would also vibrate all the time no matter how much you turned it down. With the FF turned off it was just okay (awful stiff compared to the MS stick).

Just my experience and your mileage might vary.
to be honest I really don't get the whole FF thing...

true when flying a real aircraft you can 'feel' the airplane at different speeds and configs, but you can get the same effect with a non ff stick.

But do you feel every crack in the pavement as you roll in a real plane through the flight controls? I'd hope not!:bump:

For me FF is a nice gimick, but I'd take my X52 over a Logitec FF stick any day!

As far as the M$ sidewinders. I still have a non FF Precision Pro 2 and I'm not getting rid of it. The Sidewinder family was the best collection of sticks ever made. Too bad it didn't have the set-up like the X-52...
Yeah, years ago I had a M$ FF joystick. Sold it pretty quickly and replaced it with a non FF CH Pro stick, rudder pedals and throttle. Problem with the FF stuff is it reacts to user input rather than what the aircraft is doing, so provides a pretty false and not very credible experience.
Unfortunately a week ago my 6yo CH pro gameport joystick quit. As Gameport kit is no longer avaliable I replaced all of the gear with a Saitek Yoke (non FF), throttle and pedal set. If you fly mainly aircraft with a yoke, it's brilliant. Might yet grab a Saitek stick for heli's and warbirds.

I have been using a Saitek Evo without force feedback for 2 years now and it still works great. In most games the force feedback effect is not very realistic anyway so I thought it was not worth the extra cash.

Before the Saitek I broke 3 Logitech Extremes in 1 year. They all developed centering problems. I got 2 new ones under warranty but then the store got fed up with it. So I bought a Saitek and never looked back.
Logitech's mice and keyboards are good but my advise is to stay away from their joysticks.
I've been using a Sidewinder 2 FFB for a few years now - mostly for CFS3 - and still like it a lot. No problems to report at all! My only criticisms would be that pedals are better than twisting the stick (obviously) and the throttle is a bit coarse.

And it still works properly with Windows 7.....
Thanks Fellas for the opinions.

Much as I thought. Being mostly a CFS2 and FS9 man, I think I can do without it (after all these years without one!).
If a cheapie comes along then maybe I might treat myself.....

Cheers Shessi
Besides my CH Fighterstick, I have two Logitech controllers: one FF, and one isn't. I switch off between the three sometimes. The FF is kinda cool.

I had both MSFFB sticks, but gave them away to family members when I got my X-45, then upgraded to X-52. Never looked back. Also have Saitek yoke with extra throttle quadrant, and rudder pedals.