Ford Timor Scenery (Jump Ramp Heaven) is now available


Charter Member
Hi Good People,

Things went more smoothly than I thought - build the relevant zip files, wrote the readme.txt (worth reading as it has all of the start point details etc) - revamped the Ford-Tri-Motor/Scenery web page. Then uploaded it all - tested and appears fine.

You will find it all at the Ford Tri-Motor Project Site at the bottom of the first Scenery Page.
Quick link for those who just NEED :wiggle: to jump straight to the relevant page

SOH patrons are the first to get this notification - will visit the forums in the other "empires" tomorrow night :biggrin-new:

Happy Simming from your Ford Tri-Motor Project Team.

Garry and Ed
For those that want to check out what Ford-Timor contains check out the Slideshow below:

This scenery contain 6 different layers with a bucket of different ramps and jump ramps for the FS2004 environment all packed into one scenery project and all within 3.7mb :wiggle:

If you want to have some fun flying with some interesting challenges - grab this scenery :biggrin-new:

NOTE: Ford-Timor FS2004 (Jump Ramp Heaven) Scenery now also available in the SOH Libraries.


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