Charter Member
In Arthur Ord-Hume's book, British Commercial Aircraft 1920-1940 there is a fascinating chapter on long-defunct aircraft operators of that period.
Using a little imagination and a bit of AIRtistic licence I thought I would have a go at a few "what ifs" using Nigel's Avro variants as a base. I have NOT
mastered Photoshop or Gimp, so these are all done using DXTBmp and good old MS Paint and therefore are a little rough and ready.
I am grateful to Motormouse and Magoo for generously allowing me to (ab)use their original textures.
The NSFK 621was inspired by a paint that the late Garry Smith did for Milton's DH-80.
Please give me some feedback and if anyone is interested, I will upload them and a few more I'm working on
Using a little imagination and a bit of AIRtistic licence I thought I would have a go at a few "what ifs" using Nigel's Avro variants as a base. I have NOT
mastered Photoshop or Gimp, so these are all done using DXTBmp and good old MS Paint and therefore are a little rough and ready.
I am grateful to Motormouse and Magoo for generously allowing me to (ab)use their original textures.
The NSFK 621was inspired by a paint that the late Garry Smith did for Milton's DH-80.
Please give me some feedback and if anyone is interested, I will upload them and a few more I'm working on