Forgotten Treasure (and a quick fix)

Tom Clayton

Staff member
As part of my getting re-acquainted with FS9, I recently reinstalled the Veneaviones Rockwell 690 Turbo Commander. And when I first fired up the engines, I suddenly remembered that the props rotate backward!:dizzy: So I racked my brains and did some searching, and then smacked myself in the back of the head (not really) when I figured out how easy it is to fix. Into each [fltsim.X] section, add prop_anim_ratio=-1.1 to both reverse the prop's direction (-1) and to give it a more animated look at full RPM (1.1).
As part of my getting re-acquainted with FS9, I recently reinstalled the Veneaviones Rockwell 690 Turbo Commander. And when I first fired up the engines, I suddenly remembered that the props rotate backward!:dizzy: So I racked my brains and did some searching, and then smacked myself in the back of the head (not really) when I figured out how easy it is to fix. Into each [fltsim.X] section, add prop_anim_ratio=-1.1 to both reverse the prop's direction (-1) and to give it a more animated look at full RPM (1.1).

Hey Tom,

Great to hear you're getting settled in with '9 again.

Take it easy on yourself, though - shouldn't be whacking yourself on the head like that! :kilroy:

I usually get whacked on the back of the head by someone else...
(that's why I've developed this goferlike habit of continually bobbing up and down).

Yep!... :indecisiveness: s'pose your version's best in that respect; at least you can see the dang whack coming.

Here comes Milt...


Did anyone ever develop an improved flight model for that aircraft. I started one but has some issues with those cantankerous engines. Other than that it flies really well. :) Put some PT6A's in that thing and we would be good to go. LOL
Maybe I don't know enough about the real thing, but I never had any issues with the flight dynamics. My only issue was with the visuals on the props, which is an easy fix. The only other thing that's a bit of a pain is the fact that MS didn't quite get the auto-start right with t-props, so like every other one out there, I have to remember to manually turn on the generators back on after starting it up.
Like Tom I'm happy with the existing FDE. It seems to be fairly close to what I've found for real numbers (a bit hot down low like most turbines - watch the temps) but spot-on at cruise.

The real fun comes when you do a max-rate descent!
In level flight, slow to gear speed, drop gear, flaps, props to min and push over. You can exceed the limit of the IVSI and hit about 6800 fpm in a emergency depressurization descent. At 2-3000 agl, pull (gently but steadily), level and set up for the runway. TOD is about 12 miles from the runway at FL210. Wheeeeeeeeeee!

Yes, it's too bad M$ couldn't develop a good turbine engine model.
As part of my getting re-acquainted with FS9, I recently reinstalled the Veneaviones Rockwell 690 Turbo Commander. And when I first fired up the engines, I suddenly remembered that the props rotate backward!:dizzy: So I racked my brains and did some searching, and then smacked myself in the back of the head (not really) when I figured out how easy it is to fix. Into each [fltsim.X] section, add prop_anim_ratio=-1.1 to both reverse the prop's direction (-1) and to give it a more animated look at full RPM (1.1).


If you want the prop_anim_ratio to apply to ALL the [fltsim.xx] variants, just place it ONCE under the [General] tab.

Also, what I do with ALL my propeller-driven aircraft is to locate the "gear reduction ratio" in the [propeller] section of the .cfg file and use that number for my prop_anim_ratio. Each "gear reduction ratio" will be unique to the particular aircraft.
I thought I had tried the General section and it didn't work, but I'll try to remember to check again next time I fire up the Sim. As for Gear Reduction vs. Animation Ratio, the key word is "Animation." At 100% animation - regardless of actual prop speed - FS9 shows the blurred prop disk sitting dead still. Modifying the Animation Ratio allows the user to see motion when the props are spooled up to full, such as for takeoff power.
I thought I had tried the General section and it didn't work, but I'll try to remember to check again next time I fire up the Sim. As for Gear Reduction vs. Animation Ratio, the key word is "Animation." At 100% animation - regardless of actual prop speed - FS9 shows the blurred prop disk sitting dead still. Modifying the Animation Ratio allows the user to see motion when the props are spooled up to full, such as for takeoff power.

I know people like to use the prop animation ratio to give more spin at full throttle. I do not.

I like the straining appearance barely turning but prop straining/shaking/vibrating at full throttle. Its only there for takeoff if you fly correctly and reduce power and RPM settings when you are supposed to for climbout and then cruise. Many do not do that and fly wide open all the time so they want to use prop animation factors to spin it. :)