Formation / Group Flying in P3D v4


Staff member
Within the next month (still accomplishing "Minnesota winterization" tasks - docks out, boats bundled up, leaves raked, etc., etc.) I will be looking to do some formation / group flight with some folks. Any recommendations from the assemblage as to how it works with P3D v4 and who is doing it? Thanks.
Within the next month (still accomplishing "Minnesota winterization" tasks - docks out, boats bundled up, leaves raked, etc., etc.) I will be looking to do some formation/group flight with some folks. Any recommendations from the assemblage as to how it works with P3D v4 and who is doing it? Thanks.
This type of flying (group/multiplayer/formation) seems to be mildly popular among small groups (one of our Members, "Willy", has a small, tightknit group that has been doing it for years). SOH has had a Multiplayer Server for many years, yet very few people actually take advantage of it on a regular basis, despite attempts to build enthusiasm with on-line events. There is a group of flyers who fly Military Aircraft from Mirimar and maybe someone affiliated with that group can expand on their success.

As far as being specific to P3D_V4, it probably has more to do with the Server/utility you use to connect everyone rather than any conflict with V4 itself. One program that a friend of mine and I used for a while and found to be very enjoyable was JoinFS, found here:

It allows for stutter free flights which is the main drawback to programs like FSHost which is ok, but the lag during flights can cause serious problems if you want to stay in anything even slightly resembling a formation.
I would also recommend JoinFS, which is a very efficient program with many advantages.
It evens allows an easy replacement (substitution) of plane models in case somebody is flying a plane/repaint you do not have in your hangar (you can choose whoch plane of your hangar should be used to "draw" that participant).
It works in a very traditional way: somebody creates a session, other participants join the session using the IP address of the host, and that's it.
Of course, you should have your FPS set to a limited value if you want to do some close formation flights, else other planes will have the famous "shakes" like the AI planes.
Thanks Falcon and Daube. When the snow starts flying here, I'll take a look at JoinFS to start flying. Right now, it's good to have my ORBX airports back and being able to make some quick flights out of some really well appointed airports!
I did some online formation flying with the Bluebirds a few months ago. They use JoinFS, and it works great! NC
I did some online formation flying with the Bluebirds a few months ago. They use JoinFS, and it works great! NC

Thanks Chief. Weather hasn't gotten very bad here yet and I'm still in awe of the P3Dv4 eye candy. I acquired FlightBeam KMSP today and it is just spectacular!
Grupe flying P3Dv4

As stated above FSJoin, and Teamspeak access will do for multiplayer formation flying.
I fly with the 91st Bombardment Group (H). and fly A2A B-17s, in formation over Europe. Also Black Stallions RAF airshow flying formation. FSjoin allows X plane to FSX to fly together in multyplayer. Very few problems.