Forum Page Loading Problem - Anyone Else Having It???


For the past week or so I've been having a problem with forum page loading times. When I click on the menu bar to bring up the main forum page it can take a minute or two for that page to load. When I then click on a particular forum, such as this one, it can again take a couple minutes to load the page. Once into a particular forum, it can take even longer to open a thread. If I then want to add a comment or a reply, it takes a long time for that page to load. Navigation arund the site is extremely difficult, tedious and tine consuming.

I have no such difficulty on any other web site.

My browser is the latest version of Firefox. The problem started before the recent update, and some time after the update before that, so it doesn't seem to be a Firefox problem. If it was, I don't think it would affect only SOH like it does.

Is anyone else having this problem?

This is very annoying!

No problems here. The low activity level does make one wonder, though.

Yeah, I could see where folks would just move on to their next destination on the interweb. I've been tempted to do that a few times myself.

Curiously, I find that it almost always happens on my first visit of the day, not always but still often on later visits.


Is this a general issue or at certain times of the day? I updated my Firefox and have not had this issue. I WAS having problems with the Grammarly add-on, so I removed it, and that seemed to clear up other browser issues that were happening on my rigs.

Is this a general issue or at certain times of the day? I updated my Firefox and have not had this issue. I WAS having problems with the Grammarly add-on, so I removed it, and that seemed to clear up other browser issues that were happening on my rigs.

Well, I'm pretty sure it isn't a Firefox issue because it started long after the then most recent Firefox update and has continued since a subsequent update.

Time of day? I dunno, but you may be onto something there. Maybe...

It always happens on my first visit to SOH each day, and that's always in the morning, from around 9 o'clock to maybe 10 or so.

It happens at other times too, but not nearly so consistently. I can't say that it's only a morning problem, but it seems to be a mostly morning problem. Very strange.

I don't know what Grammarly is; I've never had it or even heard of it. I haven't put anything new into Firefox since that big update a few months ago that broke so many add-ons and I had to replace them, those that could be replaced, like my flash blocker and my new tab home page ap. As of now, those are the only two Firefox add-ons I have, and I've had them for months. This problem only goes back a week or so.

You and downwind have no trouble, and that makes it look like it's something in my system. But it only affects SOH, and that makes it look like an SOH problem. Confusing!

Hey Mick,

The only issue I sometimes get is a page cannot be displayed error but this usually happens when I try to open too many threads at once. Hitting refresh usually sorts it out second time around. I'm half way around the world from you guys, so it could also be a connection issue for me.

Otherwise, it's all loading like it usually does.

Very strange. Still happening for me and apparently not for anyone else.

Seems to settle down after I've managed to open a couple threads.

Thanks for the replies.
No Mick, you're not alone. It's not "minutes" for me but can be 20-30 seconds, or I get an 'unable to connect'. A right-click ( in FF) to get the pop-up menu to go back or reload doesn't even bring up the menu for maybe 30-45 seconds.
Like you, it seems to go away after a couple of eventually successful jumps. In fact, when I hit reply to type this it took about 20 secs. for the text entry window to fully load.
I can't pin down a specific time of day but it does seem to relate to longer periods of inactivity, since I may leave a SOH tab open in the browser while I'm away for hours.
Also, it doesn't seem to affect any other site in the same set of situations. Annoying, but not life-threatening :banghead:
Someone just mentioned this sort of thing in the Ickie's Newshawks forum. So it's not just me after all.


I started a thread in the Admin forum with links to the threads in question. Hopefully we'll have an answer for you soon.
I'm using Chrome and don't have any issues with the forums. Normally clearing cache and cookies is always a good start, but I assume you already did that.

Sometimes I do have problems with my PC in general. My not so young PC has not been designed for all safety features which run in the back and consume memory and CPU power.


I started a thread in the Admin forum with links to the threads in question. Hopefully we'll have an answer for you soon.

Thanks Rami,

Had less trouble this morning, but still fairly troublesome. Delays were shorter, and normalcy returned sooner than in previous days, but I got one of those "unable to connect" pages for the first time.
I noticed this a couple of weeks ago. I looked at the server and everything was running happily but the web server would become unresponsive at times. Before I could figure out what might be happening it stopped and i could not duplicate it.

Just a few minutes ago I had an issue connecting from my PC and while it would not connect I tried connecting from my phone. Sure enough I got in without a problem while my PC was stuck on dumb.

Is anyone having this issue who is running Windows 7? My PC is windows 10.

Interestingly my PC and phone both use Verizon 4G so it should not be the carrier or ISP. I think
Thanks for the detail Mick

PRB made a change to the server today. Hopefully this helps it out.

It seems to have helped. I got one Unable To Connect page this morning, but a click on the Back button and another click on the link brought up the thread I was looking for without further delay.

I had none of the previous long loading times, so that's a big improvement.

So today all was not quite perfect, but close. It's been a little better than yesterday and a major improvement over a couple days ago.

Spoke too soon. Just got a series of Unable To Connect page when trying to access threads and when trying to edit my own posts in one thread, and even on the main page when I first came back here after being elsewhere for a while.
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I will send you a PM to check your IP address.

I think I found part of the problem. I White listed your IP Address this evening. Try to break the site tomorrow switching pages about as fast as you can. See if you get blocked out.
I will send you a PM to check your IP address.
I think I found part of the problem. I White listed your IP Address this evening. Try to break the site tomorrow switching pages about as fast as you can. See if you get blocked out.

I replied to your PM confirming that the IP address you have for me is correct.

I've been frantically flipping from page to page for a few minutes not and had no trouble at all. No delayed loads, no error pages; all seems well.