Found a bug.



Hope it doesn't happen too often. About 60 minutes into a mission, I hit the 'M' button (map), having already done it countless times with no problems, and I was dumped back to the pre-mission screen (the one that has Briefing at the bottom, amongst others). There was an odd "Refly this mission" there too, but looked mis-placed and didn't link to another page like the others.

I fly in real time, so it was somewhat irksome to lose all that flying time.
Dropping out of CFS3 is down to video memory usually - I have had it from time to time on CSF3 even in the old days. Try knocking a terrain/scenery slider it back a notch. The map we have there is a huge bitmap file covering the whole of western europe, currently we can't change that without losing more quality.
Another solution is to stop using the magic 'you-are-here' map. Adds a whole new dimension to the game if you have to navigate the way the real pilots did. Some folks use printed paper maps. Me, I check the in-game map once just before take off to see the planned mission path, add a few things to my simple hand sketched map of the area, and fly by eye. Easy? No. Challenging? Oh yeah. For everyone? Probably not.
Another solution is to stop using the magic 'you-are-here' map. Adds a whole new dimension to the game if you have to navigate the way the real pilots did. Some folks use printed paper maps. Me, I check the in-game map once just before take off to see the planned mission path, add a few things to my simple hand sketched map of the area, and fly by eye. Easy? No. Challenging? Oh yeah. For everyone? Probably not.

I'm not sure there are sufficient landmarks of an accurate enough nature to correlate between the game's landscape and a real map with any hope of success. Does the game have all the right roads and rivers, following the correct routes etc? Are the towns and villages all there, with accurately shaped perimeters?

I'd love to do it, but not if it's an exercise in futility. I can't even see the compass in my plane unless I pull the stick right back, never mind understand how it works. It's always pointing north, with some lines moving under the glass. I'd be getting bounced left right and centre too, and end up screaming at the hun to "Feck off and let me read my bloody map will you?!"
Apparently the roads are pretty accurate, even to modern maps.

I actually navigate entirley by airfields and the front-line, both of which can be seen from a long distance. My little hand drawn maps have little more on them than that, and I find my way pretty well.

Yes some of the cockpit compasses are hard to see unless you zoom in or use TrackIR to get your head in close. Many planes have no compass at all, and you have to use the sun, or on cloudy days use landmarks only.

Only a few of us nut cases do it.
I realize I'm beginning to sound like a broken record, but it is possible to navigate ( cheat) with the TAC, and you put one heck of less amount of strain on system than repeated usage of the map.

When In Campaign, there's a BLUE NEON line on the TAC screen, which mimics your fusilage. You keep that line Vertical, you are guided waypoint to waypoint to waypoint, you can't get lost

Some folk (ME) have the TAC on my joystick :kilroy:
I can't bring myself to use the TAC. The map is at least passingly realistic. But if it's going to randomly crash my missions it'll have to go over the side. *Chuck...flutter flutter...*

Oh dear, now I'm buggered.
I found a bug today as well. It was crawling across my keyboard. I squished it with a finger and kept on flying making a mental note to remove the moldy pizza from the table.
In game, it's very feasible to navigate with modern maps. The roads, rivers and railroads are 99.9% accurate. Sometimes the towns and cities might be off a bit. The map in P3 is very vague (roads and rivers and railroads all the same shade of green) so it's difficult to discern what is where in the briefing. I can tell mostly from familiarization from P2 and relative distances between towns. In P3, I've had to resort to briefly bring up the tac display to confirm my navigation. Esp. on my last mission which was balloon defense. I had to make sure I had the right balloon as they were arranged all along the front which is a good realism improvement from P2. I have noticed once or twice, that when hitting the mag button I encountered the same bug you did. I guess I hit it too many times too fast and instead of shutting off the mags it brought up the map.
Original Maps

I believe there was a preivious thread concerning obtaining copies of period maps. Can anyone remember which it was, or locate it ?
Gousgounis kindly put up a link to maps he had resized for convenience.Try searching threads /posts by him.



Hope it doesn't happen too often. About 60 minutes into a mission, I hit the 'M' button (map), having already done it countless times with no problems, and I was dumped back to the pre-mission screen (the one that has Briefing at the bottom, amongst others). There was an odd "Refly this mission" there too, but looked mis-placed and didn't link to another page like the others.

I fly in real time, so it was somewhat irksome to lose all that flying time.

Also... this seems to be a HUGE issue with FSX as well. I have a slamming new system that runs EVERYTHING I have on full sliders... except FSX. I have to tone it down otherwise I get OOM (Out of Memory) and crashes back to desktop.

So it's definately an M$ issue. But how M$ could make games that don't use memory/or run properly on their own O/S is beyond my comprehension. It's really stupid, and EXTREMELY frustrating to me.

Also... this seems to be a HUGE issue with FSX as well. I have a slamming new system that runs EVERYTHING I have on full sliders... except FSX. I have to tone it down otherwise I get OOM (Out of Memory) and crashes back to desktop.

So it's definately an M$ issue. But how M$ could make games that don't use memory/or run properly on their own O/S is beyond my comprehension. It's really stupid, and EXTREMELY frustrating to me.



Might be OT but the FSX guys here at SOH have posted a very good link on Out of Memory issues as well as many tweaking hints here:

There is lots of info and good help to be found at SOH on FSX (as usual). Have look over there if you haven't already, Sure helped me set up and tweak this monster.
I've posted many times, that the most accurate maps are found on MS Encarta. If you want to navigate in Alsace Lorraine, the period maps won't help as they don't cover that area.