casey jones
Charter Member
I came across a FS2002 Lae New Guinea Air Field used by Ameila Earhart, it was part of FS8 Round The World Flight. I was very exicted as there had been a previous FS8 Lae scenery that was done and can be found on, but it was not accurate for 1937, this scenry I found had the original Guinea Air Ways hangars and building as I saw them in photgrahs that were taken by the British Consulate at the time AE had landed there. The F8 Lae scenry structure was the same as for FS9 so I atemped to load it into my FS9 Add On Scenery which it accepted..but no where did I find it on my list of airports in FS9. This was a big disappointment as I was hopeing it would work. I do remmenber there is a FS9 scenery for Howland Island which is very very accurate. Now all I have to do is wait and hope a talented scenery maker will create the Lae Air Field as it was in July 1937 for FS9 or FSX.