Found all of Phillip M's work will upload


Charter Member
I have found on my CD's all of the NJG 53 work by Phillip M
I have permission from Phillip M to upload His work to SOH, Back when I uploaded the NJG 53 weapons packs..

I will sort out the permitted Non copyrighted aircraft from the NJG site and up load it all to SOH library..
So far:
me 163b

And Phillip M's vehicles
Some of the NJG 53 Jets were copyrighted so they can't be uploaded..
Uploaded the Triebflugel By Phillip M

CFS3 German Aircraft download section

Uploaded the CFS3 Japanese Shinden By Phillip M

CFS3 Japanese Aircraft download section

Uploaded the Flettner by Phillip M

CFS3 German Aircraft download section

Uploaded the Me 163b by Phillip M

CFS3 German Aircraft download section

Grateful to Phillip M for these rare and unusual Aircraft
Downloaded the Tigermoth;works fine except for the cockpitgun.

These were uploaded as the way Phillip M had them on his web site No changes from what Phillip M had originally done
These were developed many years ago and were a nice attempt at rare and often overlooked aircraft developed during World War 2
I am very sorry His site is now shut down..