FPS Issue



I love the game. This problem I'm having may be a function of my game settings or possibly my computer equipment and the various settings there that effect action. :jump:
The problem is that every 4 to 5 seconds my screen hesitates for a fraction of a second. It's a little aggrevating. :faint:
I have an AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 6400+ with 8GB RAM and a NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTX... (700+ on the card). My monitor is a Dell 24 inch flatscreen.
I'm using Vista 64...
The Game Settings I've been using... everything but Cloud, scenery and Terrain were all set to 5 the rest were at 4. Screen resolution is 1920x1200.
Other than the hesitation every 4 to 5 seconds performance has been good.
Any suggestions. :jump:
Glad you are having fun Bonz.
With that card best to NOT have terrain or scenery on 5.
Try 3, or maybe 4 if that works ok.
I love the game. This problem I'm having may be a function of my game settings or possibly my computer equipment and the various settings there that effect action. :jump:
The problem is that every 4 to 5 seconds my screen hesitates for a fraction of a second. It's a little aggrevating. :faint:
I have an AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 6400+ with 8GB RAM and a NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTX... (700+ on the card). My monitor is a Dell 24 inch flatscreen.
I'm using Vista 64...
The Game Settings I've been using... everything but Cloud, scenery and Terrain were all set to 5 the rest were at 4. Screen resolution is 1920x1200.
Other than the hesitation every 4 to 5 seconds performance has been good.
Any suggestions. :jump:

After my experience with my wireless network-adapter causing a stutter every few seconds in SOME games I'd be looking for a program or piece of hardware polling in the background, something that sends data down the bus every few seconds.
Anti virus file checking ?
Exclude \OBDSoftware folder from 'file in use' checking.
FPS...the story thus far

My Rig Specs

9750 Quad Core
750 GB
8gig Ram (System Mem)
NVIDIA GeForce 9800GT card

In an eight plane dogfight I run at a stuttering 25-30 FPS. I tried Redwolf's
tweaks despite not having an ATI card and improved slightly to 30-35 FPS
I am running the sliders at 1,3,1,1,1
Is this satisfactory?:help:
In a single word . .NO

You should be able to run 4/3/3/4/1 at about 30

Check on the old Forum . . STICKY OFF Tips & Cheats

It mostly deals with Phase 2, however the Tweeks are a good place to start

NEVER, NEVER, NEVER use ATI Tweeks, on a Nvida card

You could encounter a HEAT problem, with that 9800, the reason you've had no problem, is those Low Sliders ( no work for the card)

One problem at a time :kilroy:
Gimpy's right. You should be able to run much higher sliders. That machine should run OFF pretty good. He's also right about mixing ATI and nVidia settings...I am no expert but I think it would be a total fluke if it made any improvement. Best to find someone with a similar system and mimic their settings.