Frame Rate Deterioration since last patch



Since the new patch, the frame rates have deteriorated. i can't give you specific numbers but I have now a lot of stuttering and appears that I have lost as much as 10 FPS. I only downloaded the patch, never changed a setting. What could possibly be wrong? After the second patch, my game was running so nice. Is anyone else noticing a difference? I changed nothing.
Hi dane, i patched earlier today and have had no trouble.The only thing i noticed was some of the settings had changed in the workshop.
Since the new patch, the frame rates have deteriorated. i can't give you specific numbers but I have now a lot of stuttering and appears that I have lost as much as 10 FPS. I only downloaded the patch, never changed a setting. What could possibly be wrong? After the second patch, my game was running so nice. Is anyone else noticing a difference? I changed nothing.

You might want to try running configuration manager again.
Red Dog, do you know what settings might have changed? I looked what I have my settings on as regard to realism and etc but I must have missed something. thanks
Sorry dane, all i know is that it took them from 110% realisum down to 70%, so something changed some where.
Mine were down to 60% when I had a look after reading this thread. There was red text in the workshop, telling me "Exceptions: Auto-mixture and Easy Death die-roll". I put the deaths onto " Hard: Dead is Dead" and went back up to 100%. 110% with auto-mixture OFF.
yepp, thats the ingame settings for full realism, (according to the **DiD**Standard, I guess) but I checked the cfs3 config and nothing has changed.
I was not aware of any framerate loss during the last 3 hours, neither have there more stutters been, since before.

Dane48 . . NOW's the time... In Workshop there's a row of buttons that run Horizontally, the extreme Left Button (towards center of screen) . .CFS3 Config PRESS IT. .once you do Configuration of your Video card will be automatic

We can talk about settings later . . . first things first

It's a good idea to Re Configure your video card every time you add a patch
Dane48 . . NOW's the time... In Workshop there's a row of buttons that run Horizontally, the extreme Left Button (towards center of screen) . .CFS3 Config PRESS IT. .once you do Configuration of your Video card will be automatic

We can talk about settings later . . . first things first

It's a good idea to Re Configure your video card every time you add a patch

I second that! If you need help with the graphics configuration there are plenty of threads that give suggested settings. If you have any problem finding them, let me know and I'll send you a list that works well for me (and according to some threads I've seen, other people too).

Thanks fellas, I did the re configure and lost all my pilots but thats okay. I am tinkering around with it now and seem to have made some progress. The best thing about losing pilots is almost starting over with more realism. I have been all over the place with that, and I don't mind. Much appreciated