FRAPS 2.9.6 quietly released ....



I have been having a pretty frustrating period where fraps will freeze randomly when hitting my allocated "stop record" button (in my case it's mapped to the Home key) .... no other time ... not when I start or pause or shut down fraps or start recording or during recording .... but just as soon as I hit the stop record button ! But I never know exactly which vid capture will freeze ARGH !

I cannot recall the amount of classic footage I've taken that has been corrupted in this manner. Just when I thought I'd nailed some fantastic footage .... GAAAAAAAA :banghead: It breaks my heart because, you, dear readers/viewers lose out lol.

And then that particular video capture is corrupt and unplayable. Meanwhile Fraps is chugging along behind the scenes in a frozen state and can ONLY be shut down via task manager or a reboot.

The good thing is OFF doesn't crash nor does windows but I've had to exit OFF anyway to shut down fraps because it's frozen state keeps plugging away flatlining at 100% on my 2nd core :isadizzy:and no more video capture can be recorded anyway.

Anyway I'm hoping this release fixes the issue {maybe, maybe not} but I have to try it as the previous version has made any kind of video capture a nightmare to the point I was just going to give the whole thing a big miss .... but .... dear readers/viewers .... how can I do that to you :redf: There would be a mutinous mutiny of mutinious proportions chanting ... no begging .... for more catch videos :costumes:


2.9.6 - 2nd Oct 2008
- Fixed games such as Stalker not being detected in 2.9.5
- Fixed video capture corruption in FSX on multi monitor setups
- Fixed codec crashes in large projects
- Fixed Fraps not starting with Windows when running on battery power
- Fixed Fraps closing when switching to battery power
- Fixed OpenGL video capture not recording correct viewport in some applications
- Fixed sound sync when recording started while rendering paused
Yeah and the codec crashed movie maker too great. Still seems to hang for me though sometimes.
So you've still got freeze issues with 2.9.6 Pol ? And now with WMM ? Is that with both XP and Vista ?

I'm just wondering if all utiliity s/w being downgraded to vista compatibility is causing this rubbish :banghead: Meanwhile M$ rolls on oblivious to the carnage.
Yeah the freeze is in MM in Vista when editing fraps recording - over about 6 minutes long then croak.
Used to freeze in game, get the occassional quit from Fraps but mostly OK now.

XP MM always freezes anyway editing anything when right clicking or sliding a clip edge marker.
Hmmm never had any probs with XP WMM myself. It's purely a fraps issue I've got. Sounds like 2.9.6 is a little better though. Thanks Pol I'll give it a go.
Thanks Spook. Anyone else had experience with gamecam good or bad ?
Okay I tried the new 2.9.6 version with pleasing results of no freezes after recording 10 clips of varying sizes. Previously out of 10 clips I would always get ONE freeze without fail but often 2 or 3 with subsequent loss of data along with stopping/restarting OFF/fraps each time. A very frustrating exercise. Not out the woods yet but so far so good.

So I'll stick with fraps. I realise this subject is of no importance to the vast majority but it is to me. I'm very much looking forward to filming the tremendous opportunities that P3 will bring :)
Hi Catch,
I've had similar using the latest Fraps with Vista64.

The only thing I'm finding is that it'll not record continously, but instead records in a sequences of 4 Gig segments. I guess these can be merged later, but its still a nuisance.

I read somewhere it may be due to how your hard drive is setup (single or partitoned drive)?
That sounds like the 4GB file size limitation of VFAT32 formatted harddisks (native for Windows 98, and compatible in Windows XP). You could try if that is better with a NTFS formatted drive (native file system of Windows XP and Vista).
Yes - I have two 500 Gig hard drives (Raid) and both are NTFS file system??
I read somewhere it may be due to how your hard drive is setup (single or partitoned drive)?

I've got a single NTFS 500gb drive .... no partition, no D drive, no fat32. I haven't had any further issues with fraps freezing since I installed 2.9.6 {fingers-crossed :d}
Fraps issue solved (I think lol)

I mentioned this in Parky's video thread but it'll probably get buried there. It may help others with annoying fraps issues although it's more likely I'm the nutjob dumb-arse that got myself into this :redf:

It was this simple .... when using fraps previously I had it minimised to the right hand tray only.

Now it is open in both the tray AND the taskbar. And now it records at the set 30 FPS (before it was always approx half the set FPS like it was only half working :isadizzy:). And it was freezing when ending a recorded clip. And the quality was pretty crap now that I look at it !

So, at least in my case {ie the nut-job dumb-arse lol}, the key is to keep Fraps open in BOTH the tray AND the taskbar.