FREE airstrip at ORBX for MSFS


Mayor Emeritus of Taco City
called OG20 Fairways Airport located in Oregon State

features a grass strip and an eclectic, disorganized collection of hangars and parking areas..

not easy to spot from the air, but given time...



did I mention it's a free download and installs either directly into MSFS or you can choose
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How did you get this installed? It's not in the Marketplace, so I tried their site. Manual download gives a 404 error, so I installed their "Central" program. I tried installing from there and it spit out yet another error.
How did you get this installed? It's not in the Marketplace, so I tried their site. Manual download gives a 404 error, so I installed their "Central" program. I tried installing from there and it spit out yet another error.

I have it installed through FTX central. Really appreciate the free stuff. :)

How did you get this installed? It's not in the Marketplace, so I tried their site. Manual download gives a 404 error, so I installed their "Central" program. I tried installing from there and it spit out yet another error.

I logged into my Orbyx Central account and opened the 'North America' map / category...down at the bottom of the list of available airports is the free airfield - you have to click on it to see the features and then instead of a price it just says 'free'
I've done all that - multiple times. I found a thread on their forum about this that the user said was resolved by installing the latest Central. I replied to that stating I have the latest version but it still won't install.

Edit: I figured it out - you actually have to configure the app. I thought it would just connect to your account over the web and do its thing...
ah well - new to me..and maybe a few others too

not the first time I've been wrong and it wont be the last lol

Note to Moderators: possible to edit the title or delete this thread? perhaps remove the word 'new' or just delete completely? thanks