Free-Track work in P3?



Anyone running Free-Track (poor man's TrackIR) in Phase 3? My webcam is on the way, resistors, 9V bat, LEDs and soldering iron at the ready. From previous posts its seems that it works fine in P2, but before indulging in hours of, fun, thought I would check.


I've been thinking of building myself a Freetrack, myself. But knowing that my electronics skills are not much better than my gardening skills (I can kill plastic plants), I'm not too optimistic of my chances for success.
well... I have only to make my 3 point hat and give it a go. I downloaded freetrack got a webcam at Goodwill and at a dollar store bought a number led lights that one would mount under a cabinet or whatever. I covered my cam lens with a a disc about the size of a penny cut out of 3.5" floppydisk. I tried out the cam with the software and held up the $1 light I bought and registered 3 points of light and the program was reacting to the movements. So I am greatly encouraged at this point. I am running Vista. I think I am close. Make the hat and maybe download a patch? I just can't get a step by step regarding getting it set up for OFF BHAH. I'll get it sorted eventually but my skills and knowledge are very weak. SO NO I am not running at this point but I wish us well.
Great - sounds very encouraging! I'm running Vista too - should get my webcam this weekend so if time permits will give it a go. Strength in numbers!!
In a few weeks I am going to try it out as well so you guys keep us posted here :ernae:.
1st attempt frustrating but all is not lost. Spent most of the weekend just trying to get Free Track to recognize my LEDs. Turns out I may have the wrong ones.... For anyone considering this route, take a gander at the videos on the Free Track site. The one by viper3two will save you some time - wish I had found it earlier. Hopefully more to come......