FreeFlight Discoveries From Sunday's Flying


The good news is that I think I may have gotten the C-46 to feed off the tanks on both sides. That's a 95% maybe. If it holds, then I think I could say that the C-46 is 99% good to go in 2024. The only reason I would hold on to that 1% is that the one Corpus Christi texture didn't translate to well. Looks a little funny.

Now the museum of odd:

I ran into several tower-controlled airports while flying, that the ATC doesn't let you talk to. No option to request departure or landing. This image is from trying to take off correctly from Key West, which obviously has a tower. All you get is the non-controlled ATC pop-up choices.

When using the flight planner, it seems like more often than not, it doesn't give you the time/distance/fuel data at the top. I think it worked once that I can remember this day.

Then there's this. After sending the flight plan to the aircraft, the GPS doesn't show the airport codes for the two airports. It shows the departure and arrival runways.

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