FreeTrack vs. TrackIR



Has anybody use both of these? And what is the differance?

I know that Freetrack you must built it yourself, and download the software for it. While TrackIR is around $180.00 to buy.

Both have 6DOM, but this is about all I know.

So if someone is using or has used Freetrack, maybe tell us if it is worth the trouble trying to build and get working.
Just buy a trackir clip only and track it with a webcam via freetrack.
Click me
Me too

So you will save yourself from the building trouble.
I believe Freetrack is only 4 DOF in OFF, but otherwise works well. So I read on Freetrack forums.
When I first heard FreeTrack could use a Wiimote, I thought it would get around the whole light beam thing, which seems to be the source of most problems. But when I looked at the FreeTrack site, I saw they were just using the Wiimote as a bluetooth webcam. Bummer.

Seems to me the thing to do would be to strap a Wiimote to your head and use its intertial switches to measure head movement. No cameras, no reflectors, etc., and it wouldn't matter where you head was in relation to the monitor. The Wiimote would just sense your head movement and send it via bluetooth to the computer.

I'm pretty sure this is possible. I've heard of folks who have found ways to use the Wiimote as a game controller for PC games, including using the intertial switches for "mouselook". All you need is a bluetooth adaptor and some software that tells your computer how to interpret the Wiimote's inputs. In this case, the guy was holding the Wiimote in his hands and using its other buttons for game features. But I don't see why you couldn't use your HOTAS for game functions and the Wiimote just for "mouselook" in the TIR sense.

Problem is, I haven't been able to find the necessary software. The only info I've seen on this so far was a demonstration video where the guy was speaking Norwegian, so I didn't understand it. But I really haven't looked very hard yet. I'll poke around some more shortly.

Or perhaps some coding guru here could whip up the necessary program?