Answer 2 your questions
I hope this helps, Rickitycrate!
I'l try to answer your questions!
Is freetrack working with P2. I have downloaded it but have to get a webcam. I have some led lights.
NO, I never got it going with OFF2 or CFS3 although that was with OFF2 and FREETRACK 2.0 both now have been upgraded but I havn't had a chance to try either one?
Are you using IR or l.e.d.?
I'm using LED. However I didn't make my hat.
A while back someone here on Sim-outhouse was selling three piont hats for 20-25 bucks.
But I havn't found the Email. It's been a while! Sorry!
I have a webcam but I am a numbskull and can't figure out how to use my laptop cam.
I'm using a Microsoft LifeCam VX-3000.
However with this model I had to remove the lence filter.
There you will find the info you need on altering that camera.
That and a lot of other info can be found here:
As for your Laptop camera I would leave that alone.
It's built right in, correct?
I hope that this helps!